Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Toilet Paper Tube Turkeys!

Yesterday was nasty outside and we are on Thanksgiving break from school so I thought I would sit down and do a craft with the kids. I looked around and found this craft on Pintrest....seriously what did we do before this website?!?!  
Jack is thankful for - Ga-Ga & Pa - Papa Martin - Grandma Martin - Buzz & Woody - Skittles
I'm thankful for - God's Love - Heat - House - Food - Family
Owen is thankful for - Playing on our phones & crafts - People who share - Surprises - Robotic Arm Garbage Truck - Daddy & Mommy
Ella is thankful for - Daddy & Mom - Zeke - Ga-Ga & Pa - House - Clothes
It was fun working together with the kids on this and it was definitely interesting to see what they are thankful for!

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