Friday, January 25, 2013

Change Of Scenery!

Wednesday was brutal at our house. This mama was in a mood let me tell you. Also the 3 older kids were SO argumentative. The constant fighting and crying and yelling was making my teeth hurt. By the time we were supposed to leave to go to The Y there was NO WAY! I texted Michael and said we weren't going. Of course this started a whole new round of arguing and tears because we were supposed to go and heaven forbid we change the schedule. By the time Michael got home and we sat down for dinner I had about had it. I was being pulled in so many directions and being talked to by more than 2 people at once and I couldn't take it. I admit it I yelled and slammed my hands down on the table. It wasn't pretty! After dinner Zeke and I headed to Fred Meyer's and then I stopped at Mcd's to get a McFlurry and things started to look better. 

You know the best thing about small children....their willingness to forgive! They aren't tainted by the world yet and they don't hold grudges! I apologized and they forgave me no questions asked. Another wonderful thing I love....tomorrow is another day! A fresh new start!!! 

On Thursday I vowed to make it a better day. Not by giving into their every whim and trying not to rock the boat, but by keeping my cool and parenting my kids without letting myself become one! 

First stop was Wal-Mart to do an exchange and pick up a few things and then it was onto The Supermall. 

He looks happy here, but this little guy was past his nap time. He was only happy when he was chewing on Jack's dinosaur cup. 

We haven't played at The Supermall in months so it felt new for the kids. 

Owen and Jack made some nice friends. Two other boys that were their ages. They got really into chasing each other, growling and pretending to claw each know boys stuff! 

Halfway through playtime we had to take a potty break for Ella Bean. Owen was upset and wanted to stay while I took Ella potty. Yeah...not happening! Thankfully emotions were kept at bay and the other boys were still there when we got back from the bathroom so Owen and Jack were still able to play with them. 

I tried introducing Zeke to the toys, but he was so far gone. I ended up just having to put him in his car seat and he had to cry himself to sleep. 

Once the kids started getting a little hungry it was time to make our way to Auntie Anne's. Of course they had to stop and check out all the ride on toys. 

I never bring any money, but they still like sitting in them and pretending. After eating our Pretzel Dogs I called Ga-Ga to see if we could come have lunch with her. Lunch at Ga-Ga's and then it was time to come home and do school. It was a nice getaway from the normal everyday. It is a little hard with homeschooling and watching Logan. This week Logan was with her grandparents for the week. We needed this though and I need to try to do things like this more often.

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