Wednesday, January 30, 2013

We Don't Believe In Gun Control....Nerf Gun That Is!

 On MLK JR day we headed to the mall and to let Owen use two of his birthday presents...a gift card to Target and some cash. He ended up picking out this bolt action dart gun. It's not actually's some other brand. You can pump it up so the dart will shoot farther and the best part is it has a scope with the cross hairs!!! Owen has wanted one of those for a LONG time. It was only $17 too! 

Daddy has been having some fun shooting with it as well! He's just a big kid!

Did I mention he was shooting as a pink cup on his son's head! Owen is amazing and super trusting. He didn't even flinch or close his eyes!!! 

Scary!!! Daddy did end up shooting Owen in the forehead once, but he wasn't hurt. A couple shots later and he got the cup. Then the tables were turned....

Yeah Daddy wasn't so trusting!!! 

He ended up not being able to watch at all. Of course Owen nailed him in the head a few times and then Daddy was done!

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