Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Update On The Boys!!!

Since I did an update on Ella Bean for her birthday I thought it might be nice to also do a little update on the other 3 "hoodlum's" as Ga-Ga calls them.

Jack - 4 1/2 Years Old

- Jack is such a character...seriously. He still loves his character toys and plays with them all the time. He's always using the pillows and blankets to make Pride Rock for his Lion King characters. 

- Jack has been learning a lot in school and is getting so much better at his fine motor skills. His cutting ability has greatly improved this year. 

- Jack is still sleeping with his No-No and has to be covered up by me at night. If Daddy covers him up he will actually uncover himself so I can do it. He also requests that I sing him this special song I made up for each of the kids every night. 

- Jack is going through a tough time right now with lying. He does it without really thinking about what he's saying. We are really working on helping think about what he's saying before he says it. We are also working on his tone of voice as well.

Owen - 6 Years Old

- Owen believes he is a Ninja from Ninjango City and he shows us his Ninja moves quite frequently. 

- Owen is such a big boy. He got a LeapPad 2 for Christmas and he wants to get some more games for it so we told him he could earn points to get games by doing stuff for us. I came up with a list of jobs he can do for me and when I ask him to do them he'll get a point as long as he doesn't complain. So far he has 6.5 points. 

Zeke - 8 Months Old

- Is starting to each more and more solid food. He loves Cheerios and strawberries and has started to eat some cheese. He loves to chew on lots of other foods, but sometimes he spits them out in chunks. 

- Zeke has his first real cold...poor guy has such a runny nose. 

- He is crawling, but it's such a funny crawl. He is also such a lazy bones...if a toy that he wants is 2 feet from him he'll go after it, but 3 feet is just too far! 

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