Tuesday, March 26, 2013

New Blog Design & Random Thoughts!

I figured since we are almost a week into spring I should probably change my blog header! I must say it is SO hard to find a decent picture of Jackson! I'm really not looking forward to his 5 year pictures. I'm thinking I might just go shopping while my Mom and Michael can try to get him to smile.

Today I took Zeke and the other 4 kids to the doctors to have Zeke's neck checked out. Turns out it's turned into a bacterial infection. The doctor prescribed some oral antibiotics and I have to put Nystatin on it 4 times a day. His neck looks so awful...it's all shiny and almost oozing, but then flaky and peeling in other areas. It's also moved to the back of his neck. I'm hoping to see improvement quickly! He'll be having is 1 year pictures in less than 2 months so I hope it's all healed by then! 

The last two nights Michael has been working with Owen on building his confidence and balancing skills so he can ride his bike without training wheels. Tonight I had to go out and run some errands and when I got home Owen was so proud to tell me he can now ride all by himself. I can't wait to see him ride tomorrow!

The last couples days we've had this mysterious fever going through our house. My friend Kim's kids had it and then Owen had it on Sunday, Ella got it on Monday and I think I might have had a fever last week, but I didn't take my temperature. I do remember I could NOT get warm I was freezing! Thankfully other than being lethargic and not having an appetite it doesn't seem to bother the kids much and it's gone in a day. 

Today at MOPS the boys made Resurrection Eggs. This was Owen's 2nd time making them, but Jack's 1st. Jack has been waiting for this day for a long time. He was so excited to come home and tell me the story and show me all the things inside the eggs. I was just sitting in the chair, nursing Zeke, listening to him and thinking when did he get so big! 

In a couple weeks Michael and I will be taking Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace class at our church. I'm really looking forward to it! 

Enough rambling...I'm off to watch HGTV! 

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