Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Swimming Lessons!!

 Back when we decided to rejoin The Y in January, Ga-Ga told me to go ahead and sign the kids up for swimming lessons...her treat! I was so excited I almost signed them up for a class that started that Saturday...but I thought better of it and decided that we needed to get back into the swing of just going to The Y first. 

The kids first class was on Saturday at 10:05am. Unfortunately this coincided with me going on a Women's Retreat with my church (a whole other post) so I was there to help Michael. Thankfully Ga-Ga was willing...even though she was come up and help with the kiddos.

I left Michael on Friday with instructions to please take pictures so I could blog about it. 

I love this boys eyes...they are stunning! 

She's entered the phase of fake smiles! Boo hoo hoo!!! 

Hey don't mock me because I drink milk on the floor of the bathroom....a boys gotta eat! 

There are 5 kids per instructor...Miss Caitlyn is the kids instructor. I think it's funny that the instructors name is the same as Micah and Kim's new baby girl. It will definitely make it easy for the kids to remember her name. 

One of the first things Miss Caitlyn had them do was put their face in the water. Ella was the only one that wouldn't do it. She also held onto them both facing the water and facing the ceiling and had them kick. Then she had them hold onto the boogie board and kick. Ella didn't want anything to do with the boogie board though. 

Since this is the first time the kids have had any type of structure when in a pool it was a bit chaotic according to Michael. I'm sure that's how every first swimming class is though. Owen did a bunch of splashing and wanting to play and in turn Miss Caitlyn did pass him by and went onto other kids. He'll learn quickly to pay attention because he hates to not be involved!

Thanks for providing this opportunity for the kids Mom!!!

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