Monday, April 22, 2013

11 Months!

Look at this 11 month old bundle of cuteness!!!

2-piece pj's make me smile! Love that belly! 

In this picture Zeke seriously looks like a mini me at this age. His eyes, his lack of hair, his chubby cheeks. One of these days I need to scan a picture of my brother and I and post it. It's crazy the resemblance!

So what is Zeke up to at 11 months old...

- Zeke still nurses 4 - 5 times a day. 

- He sleeps from 8pm - 7:30am

- He takes 2 naps a day. His morning nap is his best if we're home. It's usually from 9 - 11:30. He's been waking up early from his afternoon nap which has been making for a pretty grumpy boy the last couple of nights. 

- Zeke is still mainly eating baby food. He has some texture issues so touching food that is the least bit slimy or wet he just won't do it. The only thing he will self feed himself are things that are dry and crunchy like Cheerios and Kix. 

- He is everywhere and has now mastered crawling with his belly off the floor. He was a wonderful army crawler for about a month though. 

- He loves to pull himself up to a standing position and has now been getting into things on the end tables in the living room. If it's within his reach it's fair game! 

- Zeke is a hard core thumb sucker! Only his left thumb though and when he's feeling anything other than content he's sucking his thumb! 

- Zeke's neck is looking great now. We've been using a steroid cream and it's such a joy to see his skin all beautiful again! 

- Zeke loves to be held! He does love to explore too, but when he's done exploring he will just sit where he is and whine until someone comes and picks him up. It's really quite pathetic! 

Can't believe it's only 1 month until my baby boy is 1 years old!!!

1 comment:

  1. Don't post any baby pictures of me. Do you want people to keep coming back to read your blog? They're not going to do that if they see my face!
