Monday, April 8, 2013

Big Milestone!

 On Saturday after dinner we decided to head to the mall with the kids. Since it was raining all day they couldn't get outside and play so we figured they could stretch their legs playing on the train. Unfortunately the train is closed right now. We did walk to the other end of the mall to play on the boat, but about 5 minutes after we got there they decided to close it for cleaning. We toyed with the idea of taking the kids to a movie, but it was already getting late and I didn't want to be out THAT late with all of them. Then I glanced over and saw that there was no one in Claire's. I wandered over to see if they had two employees working and they did.

That's when I asked Ella if she wanted to get her ears pierced! She had told  me awhile ago that she wanted to, but I wanted to make sure. I was planning on making a day of it with Ga-Ga & Aunt Stephie, but it was just a spur of the moment thing. 

After the workers came over Ella got a bit nervous. Ella warmed up a bit once I introduced her to Ms Michelle and Ms Sarah.

Owen of coursed warmed up right away and asked about the candy jar. Ms Michelle let him hold the jar and then pass out the candy at the end. 

We asked Ella if she wanted to sit in the chair by herself or on my lap. She wanted me, but she wasn't acting scared at all. 

Zeke started to get a bit fussy so Michael move him over to this door with a mirror and he had the best time chatting with himself! 

After cleaning her ears and putting purple pen marks on them it was time for the ear piercing. 

Ella did great! She jumped a little, but she didn't say ouch, she didn't cry either. At first I wasn't sure if they had actually done it since she was so calm. I did feel her heart beating a bit harder than normal, but other than that it was like nothing happened! 

Cute red newly pierced ears! 

When we got home she HAD to check herself out in the mirror! 

So proud! 

Beautiful pierced ears! It was so fun to get to experience this milestone with my baby girl. I was bummed that Ga-Ga & Aunt Stephie didn't get to be a part of it so I do want to have a fun girl day in 6 months when we can change Ella's earrings out to different ones.

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