Friday, April 5, 2013

The Choices We Make - Food!

Okay so this is going to be a series of posts discussing different topics. I've been wanting to blog about this and basically get my feelings down, but it's been so daunting and overwhelming to think about doing it all in one post. It might sound like I'm ranting at times and I'm sure there will be people out there that don't agree with me and that's okay. I'm just expressing my feelings on what I've learned so far...which isn't a lot. I'm just starting and I definitely want to learn more and more so different opinions are okay and feel free to share, but in a respectful way please. Also I'm sure there are others out there that have been researching this type of stuff longer than me...if you have knowledge to impart to me or can point me in the right direction please do so. Without further ado....

After watching Food Inc and Vegucated and reading a few articles and talking with friends I'm really saddened by the things we are allowing to happen in American in regards to our food. Recently the Monsanto Protection Act passed that will safe guard Monsanto from being held legally responsible if research proves their GMO seed causes damage to our bodies. I still haven't completely watched the Youtube video of The World According to Monsanto...I need to do that soon. From what I do know...Monsanto = BAD!!

Now that I've seen these documentaries it's hard to just put this information out of your mind. Before I was just clueless...I think a lot of us are. I mean we just hop in the car and go to the grocery store and buy our food, right? Who really thinks about where it comes from or what's in it? The sad thing is that 80% of the "food" in the grocery stores today wasn't there 100 years ago. And most of that "food" can barely be called food! The food industry has made it easy for us and that's the problem. Real, good, healthy food isn't necessarily easy. It takes time to use real ingredients! 

I'm not saying that I'm going to immediately change everything in our diet or become a vegetarian. There is NO WAY I could become a vegetarian. We love meat. I do have issues in regards to how the animals are being treated. Yes I know that they are ultimately going to end up being killed and served for dinner, but that doesn't mean that they have to be treated poorly. It's my goal to eventually be able to buy organic grass fed beef and free range chicken from some friends of ours that have a farm in Enumclaw. If you are interested in checking them out it's the Hallet Family Farm on FB.

The things I am changing right now are small like trying to buy more whole grains such as wheat flour, wheat pasta and brown rice. I'm also not buying flavored yogurt anymore instead I'm buying the Kirkland Signature Greek Yogurt and flavoring it with honey and adding in homemade granola and fruit. I'm also not buying fruit snacks anymore. We are only buying fruit leather since it's just pureed fruit. I'm really trying to steer clear of HFCS and all those dyes.

With that being said that doesn't mean that we aren't going to let our kids enjoy life and food...just in moderation. We will still be stopping and getting a Frostie at Wendy's every once in a while. And I'm not saying that I'm never again going to buy Oreos....oh man those are good even though they aren't filled with anything good. 

Basically I'm wanting to get back to the way food was years ago. More natural, less ingredients, no chemicals. 

So how do you feel about the food industry and how things are being handled right now? Have you and your family recently changed your diet due to health reasons? Any knowledge you'd like to share with me would be great. Also are there any other documentaries I should see?


  1. Absolutely Lyndsay! Open up Pandoras box and you will find stuff that you NEVER knew you could even imagine! ;-)
    I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have you guys out here to see what we are doing on this little acre of a farm. Just let me know! Maybe you and family would also like to come later in summer to see all of our veges in full bloom???
    I would LOVE for your family to come over for dinner and TALK about how God created nature and how we should be working WITH nature not against it....we have sooo many tips!!
    If I can reccommend some documentaries: King Korn, Frankansteer, Farmaggedon, AND a documentary which is not on netflix, They are all awesome documentaries. Joel reccommends strongly that you look into Weston A Price Foundation for good real healthy food knowledge outside of the gov. subsidized mainstream. ;-)
    good on ya Lyndsay! -Loralei

  2. I agree that our food is not what it used to be. I've always tired to be more "whole foods" oriented, but due to the recent stresses of life, I've just had to put my food concerns on the back burner, and feed them whatever I can and not stress about it. I have zero energy to even think about food right now : )

    Sometimes I really get stressed out about the garbage I am allowing into my kiddos bodies, but God gently directs my focus back to him, and reminds me that yes, I should help them treat their bodies well, but ultimately He is concerned about their hearts.

    I have heard lots of great things about the documentary "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead".

    God for you for arming yourself with information and making healthy changes for your family!

  3. I agree with you on how the animals are treated. Just because they're going to die eventually doesn't mean they can't be treated humanely while they're alive. They should be given more respect and care since they are going to be nourishing our bodies with protein and whatever else.

    I am not sure about going paleo though. I think that is what you mean... going back to eating food the way it used to be in nature. I think there are SOME things that foods in nature cannot give us and we need... because our bodies aren't built the same way as it was a million years ago. No matter how hard we wish it weren't so, I think we became dependent on technology and a bunch of other stuff generations ago, so we are built very differently than maybe we wish we were. There are enzymes that our bodies are dependent on now for digestion, for vitamins, nutrients, etc.

    I applaud you on your efforts. And let me tell you, as an old friend from your past... you have learned a lot. It is so clear in the way you talk and word things. You're including other possibilities to respect other people's beliefs and not just imposing your own very strongly and adamantly. Yes you've learned a lot in more ways than one.
