Monday, May 13, 2013

Bucket Swing!

 After my mom got the playset I knew that I wanted to get a swing for Zeke...not one of those plastic ones though. I wanted a nice bucket seat like you find at parks. I found them online for around $50. Like I said in my previous post we are doing the whole Dave Ramsey FPU thing so I couldn't just go out and buy it since I didn't have $50 set aside for a swing. So I came up with a plan! Since Zeke is our last baby I am at that wonderful phase where I can get rid of all that terribly huge baby gear! YAY!!! So I took in the Exersauser, Johnny Jump Up, Slide/Swing climber, Dinosaur Ball Toy and a couple other small things to a local consignment shop and I got $56 for all of it!

It's so great that Zeke can now enjoy the swing set with the bigger kids. Not sure if he's happy? Get a closer look! 

Still not sure...

Oh yeah he's lovin' it! 

He even loves it when his older siblings swing him! 

Ella says, "Underdog!" and then basically runs under the's the cutest thing! 

"Hey...why isn't anyone swinging me?"

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