Saturday, July 20, 2013

Free Slurpee Day!

On 7/11 I had already planned to take the kids to Steel Lake Park so we just made a stop at 7-11 on our way. Well actually we tried to stop by the one closet to the park and then I noticed there were not 1, not 2, but 3 twelve passenger vans from The Boys & Girls Club parked out front and there was a crowd of people waiting outside. I was not going to wait that long with 5 small children for a teeny tiny free slurpee. So we headed back towards our house and stopped at another 7-11 and there wasn't a car in the parking lot! SCORE! After getting our free slurpees....I bought a big one for me, we headed to the park.  
Zeke and I sat down to have lunch while the other kids ran around and played.
Jack worked up a thirst playing. Owen is a complete nut and if you're not convinced....check out his wardrobe choices!
See...nut! :)
Logan got to enjoy most of her slurpee until Jack accidentally kicked it over when he was running off to play!
Zeke has definitely been going through a food strike. He doesn't eat very much at all. I'm constantly having to play around and see what he'll eat. For instance...he doesn't like apples cut up he wants to eat them like a big boy. Sheesh!
This was our view of the Steel Lake. I ended up texting this picture to Michael with the heading...maybe one of these is our future home??? That's one of our dreams one live on a lake! Not happening anytime soon though!
Time for hide and seek!
Can you see Jack?
It's been fun planning outings with the kids this summer. I saw that a lot of people on FB were making summer bucket lists and while I didn't actually make a list I think we've done quite a few things I would have put on a list if I had made one.

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