Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Owen's First Day Of First Grade!

I warned Owen that his first day of school was going to be filled with lots of picture taking. Then Michael piped in and said, "And you're going to smile and let Mommy take pictures because you love her!" He's knows me well! :)
Such a big shirt on little guy...even though he is my big boy! Can't believe that in a few short years he'll actually be fitting into this.
Such a handsome boy! I love his real smile!
Crazy 1st grader face!
Adorable 1st grader face!
Coat on and backpack packed...all ready to head out the door!
For his first day we decided to take him to school, but starting tomorrow he'll be taking the bus.
We drove down the rode and parked at a shopping center that's closer to school and then walked from there. The school parking lot is a bear so there was no way we were going to deal with that. We were a bit early so we sat in the van for a few minutes. Owen was checking out his new shoes that Ga-Ga & Pa bought him for school.
And were off!
After the school orientation the night before Owen felt much better about going to school. I think the unknown was just freaking him out. Once he saw his classroom, where he was going to sit and met his teacher he felt better about the whole thing.
The "long" walk to school!
Standing outside Ms. McConnell's first grade class. We were the first to arrive!
Precious Daddy Boy!
My big first born!
Ms. McConnell is so sweet! You can tell she loves her job! I'm so excited Owen has her for a teacher!
All lined up and ready to start the school day!
Listening to instructions! So proud of him!
I'm proud of myself too...I didn't run up and hug and kiss him and I didn't cry and make a scene. I was actually the most surprised by Ella's response to the whole thing. She was very upset that we were leaving Owen there. She also cried two separate times during the day for her Owen. Sweet emotional girl!
Later in the afternoon we all went back to school to pick Owen up.
Waiting for school to get out!
Here comes Ms. McConnell!
There's my boy! Not sure why he had a sticker on his head...he promptly gave it to me to keep. He did have a note that said he had a great first day at school.
Highlights of his day:
- He met a boy named John.
- He learned about eating healthy foods and to only use a little butter.
- He eats lunch in his classroom.
- He didn't like recess on the playground because there were too many kids.
- He said school was way too long and he thinks Miss Kim's school is better since it's much shorter! :)
- He loves walking home from school so he can walk through the "gorges" aka the drainage ditches on the side of the road.
Owen Michael...Mommy is so proud of you! You are already such a bright boy and I know that you are going to flourish in school this year. I can not wait to see all the things that your mind will be opened to. I know that God has placed you in Ms McConnell's class for a reason. I pray that she leads you and guides you well. I pray that you make good friends...maybe even friends you'll know for years to come. My big boy you light up a room by entering it and I pray that never changes. Love you so!

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