Friday, November 15, 2013

Bye Bye Crib...Hello Fire Truck!

A couple weeks back I noticed that Zeke was starting to reach for doorknobs. This is when we always move our kids out of their cribs. The last thing I want his a kid in toddler bed when they can open doors! 

Back at the Mill Creek Garage Sales in May Ga-Ga bought this super cool firetruck bed for Zeke. We've been storing it in the basement so Michael had to bring it up. It was a tight fit to say the least! 

After adjusting the position he was able to fit it into the room. 

I had already taken the crib down so it fit right into the same spot! 

It's SO cute!!! 

Introducing Zeke to his new bed! 

He knew just what to do! 

Pretty cool huh!!! 

Even though it's blurry it's too sweet. He immediately laid down and started sucking his thumb! 

Then it was time to check it out and of course try to climb all over it! 

Since we are not crazy we did add the side rail to keep him somewhat contained. He can still climb out, but it's a nice deterrent. 

All tucked in and ready for bed! 

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