Monday, November 18, 2013

We Always Knew He'd Be The First!

 To break a bone that is! 

Saturday November 9th was the day that our no broken bones streak came to an end. Zeke was jumping on the loveseat and then one thing led to another and the next thing I see is him falling off sideways. He immediately started crying and mubbling in a way that I've now coined as him saying baby swear words! It wasn't a cry I'd heard before. I figured he just bumped his head so we snuggled a bit. He was pretty much unhappy unless we were holding him. We kind of brushed it off as him getting the same cold that was going around our house and the fall just kind of sent him over the edge...pun intended! So Michael took him up to bed to sleep it off. When he woke up I put him in his highchair to eat lunch and I noticed that he wasn't reaching for anything with his left arm. In fact I had to hand him his sandwich and hold his sippy for him. I decided to check out him out so I took off his pajama top and that's when the crying and baby swear words came out again. This is when I was pretty sure a trip to the ER was in our future. To make absolutely certain that it was necessary I set Zeke on the loveseat and then asked him to give me a "five" with his left hand. He instinctively tried to raise his left arm and then immediately started crying. Michael was out picking up a shelving unit that we found on Craigslist so I had to wait for him to come home. 

Then it was off to Mary Bridge! I love Mary Bridge!!!! The valet parking, the gorgeous buildings, the helpful staff and usually the wait isn't that bad either. 

 Of course the moment we got to the ER he started acting all chipper and I was thinking great there's nothing wrong with you afterall! 

About 30 minutes later and we were called back to a room. The clothes had to come off, but I was really gentle and no baby swear words were said. 

Resting and waiting to go for x-rays. 

The x-ray tech was so nice. He took 2 x-rays of Zeke's arm which were the only ones ordered. He didn't see anything wrong so he started asking me more about his injury. I told him that he could reach out and down with his left arm, but not up. That's when he made an executive decision to do another x-ray that wasn't order. That's when he said...."sure enough!" 

Broken clavicle bone! 

There really isn't much they can do for a broken collar bone. They tried to wrap up Zeke's arm, but lasted about 15 seconds before he was out of it. 

The next day he was timid about moving around, but it was no time before he was acting like himself and trying to jump on the couch again! 

Nothing will keep this kid down for long! 

Oh and if you're interested in why there is a lady on our TV that's in a bath towel it's the movie Enchanted. It's Ella's favorite and she could watch it everyday...all day if we let her! 

1 comment:

  1. I see a Lyndsay expression on his face in one of those pictures. That kid is going to be mischievous!!
