Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas Tradition!

Almost every year we decorate our tree 
differently. This year I got this cute silver garland at MOPS for free. That got us thinking a silver and red tree would look nice. I got the red and silver balls at the dollar tree. The best part is they are plastic...yay for no broken ornaments! I found the snowflakes at Fred Meyer's. Went I picked up the package glitter went every where. 
In order to minimize the glitter around the house I sprayed 
them with a clear coat of polyurethane. 

As for our Christmas tradition Jack is always the one who gets to put the star on the tree. Since he's the second born and Ella is the only girl he really is our middle child. I love that he has this special privilege every year. I even told Michael that he's going to have to come over after he moves out to put it on too! 

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