Wednesday, January 15, 2014

He's 7!

You know the crazy thing about Owen turning 7...we have now had children for as long as we tried for children before getting pregnant. We first started trying in 2000 and 7 years later we got our miracle! To think if we had had things our way we would have a 14 year old! I wouldn't have it any other way though. God knew best...He always does! Owen Michael came into our lives precisely when he was supposed to. There's that verse in the Bible that says..."you are here for sure a time as this". That's pertaining to Esther of course and her changing the course of her people, but I do believe that Owen is here "for such a time as this". I don't know what God has in store for Owen, but I know He has something great! 

Owen Michael as I sit here typing this my eyes are filled with tears. Happy tears that God still preforms miracles and you are one! You are the answer to hundreds if not thousands of prayers. I love that you love hearing me tell you how we prayed and prayed for a baby and then finally when the time was right God gave us you! I'm so blessed to be your mother. You make me a better made me a mommy! The job that I knew I wanted from childhood. Not only do you make me a better person, but you bring such joy to SO many peoples lives. You are a blessing!!! 

Today is your 7th birthday and I don't know what it is about the number 7, but it really feels like you are truly a big boy. You are no longer a baby...your cute face has changed, your teeth are falling out and you are shoot up like a weed! You are so incredibly smart! You are thriving in love math! After getting a slow start at reading you are now ahead of what they wanted you to be at. You are such a quick learner! I love that when I drop you off at the bus you still kiss and hug me goodbye and then shout across the street, "BYE MAMA....LOVE YOU!" I also love that you love seeing me at school. You love showing me what you do and introducing me to your friends. You proudly proclaim, "That's my mom....her name is Ms. Lyndsay!" I know that there will be a day when I will embarrass you and you won't want me around you and your friends so I will cherish this time. Actually I will cherish all the time I have with you. Not that it will be all sunshine and roses, but still each moment is a gift! You are a gift...the best kind of baby! Mommy loves you more than words can say! Happy Birthday Owen Michael!  

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