Friday, February 21, 2014

New Outfits!

 Before going shopping with Kristen I found a bunch of inspiration on Pinterest. I wasn't able to get the outfits exactly the same as the inspiration pieces, but I got pretty close. I used my new clothes and mixed them with some of the clothes that I already had. 

 Here's my first inspiration piece.

 I brought out my black jean leggings and paired an old shirt with my new sweater.

This is probably my most favorite outfit. I love how it has an equestrian feel about it. 

I wore my new skinny jeans (Levi's for $18!!!), a new shirt I bought on clearance at Fred Meyer's for $5 and an old red sweater that I've had for years. I don't have a blue jacket, but I'm going to be on the look out for one. I love how the jacket in the picture looks for tailored than the sweater. But it's pretty close! 

I love this plaid look. A lot of plaid can be icky, but I really liked this one. 

I don't have a red plaid shirt, but I had this nice brown one. I think it looks nice with one exception....

This shirt is a bit big on me so I had to clip it in the back to make the shirt more fitted. Don't think that will look very good walking around during the day. I'm going to try my hand at taking in this shirt so it will fit better. I've never done this so it ought to be interesting! 

I love how casual and comfy this outfit looks. 

I didn't have a striped sweater, but I did have a striped shirt so I paired it with one of my new sweaters and my new brown ballet flats. 

As for my personal goal of updating my look I think I'm on the right track. I can't wait to save up a bit more money over the next couple months and then go out and get some more awesome finds!

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