Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Keepin' It Real!

The social media world can be such a deceiving thing. People will only upload photos that make them look nice. They'll only post about good things like what's for dinner or the latest and greatest family outing. That's not all bad really, but it's also not completely true. Life is ugly sometimes and the normal Monday - Friday grind can be brutal. 

I want my blog to be real...the good, the bad and the ugly! I've been quite open about our struggles...miscarriages, unemployment and my depression. I like being real! 

Logan's mom Jen just recently heard someone say..."I want my house to be the kind of house that when people come over they don't feel bad about there house". I'm sure I paraphrased that wrong, but the point is the same...I don't want my friends to come over and see my house as this pristine museum and then think that I have it all together. My house isn't and I'm not!!! 

I want my friends and family to see my house for what it is...lived in! I don't spend all my time cleaning and picking up after my kids. Don't get me wrong I don't want my house to be a pig sty either! I am thankful everyday that God has given us a house to live in and home to raise our kids. So we do take care of it...don't worry! 

All that to say...our house was a mess!!! It was seriously in need for some spring cleaning. I don't know if it's the nice weather that lite a fire under me or if it was the sun shining in that just put a spotlight on all the stuff that was dirty! On Thursday we didn't have anywhere to go so I got started cleaning and just kept going. Sweeping and mopping was the big thing that I was most proud of accomplishing. Not just normal sweeping...I moved the couch and the love seat and shook every rug that I could and lifted up and swept under the ones I couldn't. It took forever and my hand was killing me by the time I was done, but it felt so nice! 

And this was all the crap that was lying around on the first floor of house! 

For crying out'd think a pack of wild animals live here...oh wait I have 4.5 kids (including Logan as the .5) so I guess they do! :) 

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