Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Rummage Sale Goodies!

The first week in May my MOPS group had its Rummage Sale. While I was helping set up I was also checking to see if there were any treasures for the kids. 

Jackson is such a sweet sentimental boys. He loves his No-No...classic pooh head with a red blanket attached to it. Well I found this "No-No" at the Rummage sale and just had to buy it for him. Even though he has a fake cheesy smile in the picture he was so over the moon about this. I love this boy! 

Owen absolutely loves blocks. We have Jenga blocks and wooden dominoes and he's always building with them. I found these blocks at the rummage sale and they are quite neat. They are all different shapes and can be challenging to get them to balance. He loved them!  

Ella is a girl after my own heart....she loves clothes! So I got her a ruffle skirt and this cute knitted top. The knitted top is a bit big still so it went into her bigger clothes bin, but the skirt fit great!  

For Zeke I found this awesome Superbowl shirt for only .50! He love it...hence why he's looking at his shirt and not the camera! 

The next day I went to the Mill Creek garage sales like I do every year and I found lots of goodies. I found tons of clothes for myself and just a couple of them actually fit me, but that's not a bad thing. I'm so looking forward to getting to alter them to make them fit. I love sewing! Since I've lost so much weight none of my summer clothes fit me. The other day I stopped by Joann's and picked up some sturdy needles and thread so I'm going to try to alter some of my capris. Fun stuff! 

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