Saturday, May 10, 2014

Zeke's Quiet Book!

Zeke's book needed to be more age appropriate for him. I wanted more simple big pieces. Definitely not tons of little pieces! 

The big circles of the stoplight can come off so he can move them around. 

He's got his own smart phone and a Rolodex of people to call. The phone list is Daddy, Mommy, Ga-Ga, Pa, Uncle Ry, Aunt Stephie, Papa Martin, Owen, Jack & Ella.

Of course we are under no illusion that he will be calling anyone other that Pa. I'm sure that this page will look like this most of the time. He loves his Pa!

Beach page!

Sand castle pieces get stored in the bucket and then can be arranged how ever he wants them to be.

The next couple pages took me a while to figure out. Lots of searching on the Pinterest. Zeke loves Cars so I thought it would be fun to make him a Lightning McQueen page and have different wheels and things for him to "dress up" McQueen in, but then I realized I didn't have enough red felt let and I thought all those little pieces would be a nightmare with a 2 year old. I found this idea on Pinterest and thought it would be nice.

He has a garage to park his vehicles in.

Unfortunately the cars are a little flimsy to be parked in the garage correctly so they have to be parked upside down.

The tires are sewed onto the other page and he can fit the shell of the cars onto them.

The idea I saw on Pinterest showed a picture of the child in the driver seat. I was exhausted by this point so I didn't do that. Zeke will never know!

This is my favorite car....I cut out the back window to look like bars...thought that was fun!

I was going to make 2 more pages, but I just can not think of what to do so I think I'm gonna call it good and just sew it together! 

To personalize the quiet books I decided to add their names to the covers using my Big Shot to cut out some felt letters. I honestly don't know how I would live without my letter dies....they are a must for me and my crafts! 

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