Friday, June 27, 2014

Des Moines Beach Park!

Last week after our awful Thursday Michael decided to try to change the mood in our house by taking us all out to explore the beach. It was just the thing we needed as a family! 

Michael had checked the tide schedule and knew it was going to be way out at Des Moines Beach Park. 

Zeke checking out the beach! 

Jack wasn't as interested in the beach...he loves to climb on the big rocks! 

Of course the main goal was exploring and looking for crabs! 

Daddy would catch a crab every now and then so the kids could check it out up close. 

Owen really got into turning the rocks over on his own. It was actually hilarious seeing him try to turn over rocks that were obviously too big for him! 

This little girl might dress up in dresses everyday, but she is not only a girly girl. She loves to get in on the action too! 

There was a little girl that was also on the beach and she sort of tagged along with us while her parent were closer to shore. 

Not sure what Jack was showing Zeke here, but it was serious business! 

Zeke actually did really well on all the uneasy terrain. 

There were about 10 sailboats out in the Puget Sound right in front of us. I think it was a sailing class or something because there was a boat that was stationary and every now and then it would blow a horn and then the boats would all do the same thing. It was interesting! 

Little tiny hermit crab! 

The fresh air did us all some good! 

Checking out the tidal pools! 

Sea life is so entertaining! 

Jack found SO many treasure he just had to take home. In fact his bomber jacket pockets were stuffed with treasures!

Daddy even carried Zeke out into the tidal pool! 

I think he's holding an eaten crab so it's just the shell. He said that was his favorite thing about the whole trip. He thought that was pretty cool! 

Jack found me this shell that looks like butterfly wings. 

I love where we live! So beautiful! 

Ella ended up loosing her footing in the tidal pool so she got all wet. We ended up having to cut out trip short since she was so itchy from the water. 

Before we left though Jack and I went back to explore the rocks at the shore. He said this was his favorite part of the trip! 

He was so happy that I was with him. I love climbing so it was fun for me too! 

I sat down and was looking out at Daddy and the other 3 kids and then I panicked a little since I couldn't see Zeke. His outfit and the fact that he was crouching down made him really blend into the environment. 

And since there would be no photographic proof that I was actually there I ended up taking a selfie! 

Oh....and we were able to check this off our bucket list!

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