Saturday, June 7, 2014

Three Sleepovers!

Even though we were having lots of fun on our getaway the kids were also having the time of their lives with Ga-Ga & Pa. 

They went down to spend the night on Thursday night and the boys got to skip school on Friday. On Friday they made a trip to the mall so the kids could play. 

On Saturday they all went out to see Peepaw's grave. With family in town over Memorial Day weekend it was a bit busy so we didn't make it out there. 

I always love going to the cemetery to honor my grandpa! I remember going to the cemetery with my Mom when we were on vacations. We'd go and leave flowers at her grandparents graves. I remember being weirded out a little by it, but now that I'm older I understand. I hope my kiddos have lots of fond memories of visiting Peepaw's grave. 

It's crazy to think it's been almost 6 years! It doesn't seem like it's been that long since I last hugged him. 

For some reason they had the grass all dug up around his grave, but they had new sod that was ready to be laid. 

Back and Ga-Ga & Pa's there was lots of fun to be had. Ga-Ga had bought this cool swing for the kids. It's called a hugglepod. 

The older boys had a lot of fun hanging around inside and having Pa be the scary tickle monster. Of course Ella and Zeke wanted nothing to do with it. When I got there I got inside and then they wanted to try it out. They didn't stay inside very long though. 

I had packed the kids swimming suits hoping the weather would be nice enough for the kids to get to play on the slip and slide. Yay for sun! Unfortunately the old slip and slide had too many tears in it so it wasn't really working out. 

Zeke doesn't want anything to do with water! 

He's much more content to drive his Cars around. 

Of course I'm sure there were lots of treats that got eaten. 

And the computer got played on and movies got watched! 

But I'm pretty sure that once Pa came home with a new slip and slide they were outside for hours. In fact I know they were they have the sunburns to prove it! But what Washingtonian doesn't get a sunburn when the sun finally shows its face! 

When we got there we asked the kids if they missed us and their answer was..."not really!" My kids are so lucky that they have grandparents that love them and have fun with them so much so they don't want to leave! Thanks Mom and Dad for taking care of the kids so we could have our getaway! 

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