Sunday, July 20, 2014

Rearranging - Owen's Room AKA The Old Playroom!

This room has been Owen's room before, but then he got lonely and wanted to move back in with Jack and Zeke. Now that he is getting older and needs to stay up later we thought it was a good time to move him back. It also coincided with me not watching Logan anymore so she wouldn't be needing it for nap time. 

The first time Owen was in here he had to have his bed on the opposite basically would walk into the bed once you entered the room. I always thought it made the room feel really small though. This time around I was able to convince him that it should go on the wall by the window. It feels more open to me this way. 

At first the kitchen was still in his room, but then we got this awesome bookshelf from my friend Renee...thank we moved the kitchen to Jack and Zeke's room. I still left the table in his room though so he can play with his blocks and LEGOS. I'm thinking I might need to spray paint those chairs a different color though! 

After moving him in he informed me that he needed to tall dresser so he could put stuff up high on. At first I wasn't going to move one in and I was just going to leave all his clothes in Jack and Zeke's room, but then it just made sense to move everything over. Now all his clothes are in his dresser, nightstand and closet. 

Speaking of nightstand this is one of the nightstands I moved up from the dining room. As you can see my underwear clad boy is quite happy with his room! 

1 comment:

  1. I can't remember exactly, but the two bedrooms back there, owens and then the other boys' rooms, aren't the doors like facing eachother? I wonder if that was why Owen wanted his bed on that wall the first time around. So he could look into the other boys' room. That would have been cute. He is growing up so big.
