Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Army Boy...AKA A Lesson In Listening To God!

Owen is an Army Boy! Those are his words! In fact he's already told us he's going to sign over 4 years of his life once he's 18. He also thinks he's going to kill German's, but we have sometime to work on that one. Anyways Owen wants everything army related. The other day I went through his closet getting it ready for the school year. Figuring out what he had and what he needed. Two things he really needed were jeans and a hoodie. I thought it would be so much fun if we could find an Army hoodie. I looked at Target, Old Navy and Fred Meyer's with no luck. I even went online and wasn't having much luck. Money has been sort of tight since I stopped watching Logan so I knew we couldn't spend a lot. Then on Monday morning after we dropped Jack off at therapy we were on our way to Fred Meyer's to get gas when I had a feeling deep inside of me that I should stop at Value Village. There was in fact a Value Village on the way to Fred Meyer's from therapy so I pulled in. We went straight back to the kids section and in less than 5 minutes I found it! 

An Army hoodie that fit Owen perfectly...and it was only $2.99!!!!

I also found two pairs of Crazy 8 Jeans size 7 both with adjustable waist bands for $4.99 each! 

Silly camo boy! 

Owen was so excited! Plus it was a wonderful way for me to explain how to listen to God's leading. He knew that this was something that Owen needed and something that he wanted. He doesn't just care about the things we require he also wants to put a smile on our face and lift us up! What a mighty God we serve!!! 

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