Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Ella's School!

Since we have a lot going on this month I'm not going to get too in-depth with Ella's school, but I did want to get it all set up and ready to go. 

 I went to the library and printed out a bunch of stuff beforehand. The chart on the left is her months of the year. The one in the middle has a clock, shapes, colors and weather. The one on the right is her calendar. 

I took one of the end tables from downstairs and moved it up to be her work desk. At first I was going to do school in the dining room since that's the hub of the home and all the supplies are in that room, but there just isn't enough wall space. My second choice was the playroom, but when the sun is shining it's an awful room to be in and I was going to hang some of the charts on the actual window so closing the curtains wouldn't work. So her room it is! 

While I was setting up I brought out the link cubes so Ella and Zeke could play with them. 

Monday was our first practice day of school. We started out with the pledges and then moved to calendar time. Ella cuts out the apples, then I help her write the numbers on them and she gets to glue them to the calendar. If there is one thing Ella loves it's cutting paper! We sang the days of the week song and then the months of the year song. Of course right now it's just me doing the singing, but eventually she'll know all the words. 

After I took the first picture of Ella's room I remembered that I needed to put up her number chart so that's on the far right. Also my mom bought Ella the ABC chart that is up by the ceiling. Of course we sang the ABC's together. 

Then I thought where else should be start but writing her name. This is the first time Ella has written her name. She did so well! There is an extra 'l', but I'm so proud of her. After this I asked her to tell me how to spell her name and she told me correctly for the first time. E-L-L-A! Can't wait to share many more first with her! 

As for Zeke he ended up spending about half of the time we did school in his bed since we was causing all sorts of issues. Hopefully he'll get over that quickly and just start having fun with us. 

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