Friday, September 5, 2014

Labor Day Weekend!

A few weeks ago at church I had this gut feeling that I needed to go back to Wyoming and see my Grandma that has been having some serious health issues. My friend Kim had offered me one of their passes to fly on Alaska so I thought I would ask my mom if she wanted to go with me. After praying about it Mom knew it was something that she needed to do with me, but she wasn't going to let me fly standby. 

We left on Friday Dad dropped us off at the airport where we had to say goodbye to the kids. Owen was holding onto me and saying he wasn't going to let me go. Ella started crying and saying she wanted to come with me. Jack was pretty oblivious to what was going on and Zeke was waving and saying Bye!!! Our plane left at 12:35 and we got to the airport over 2 hours beforehand. We had lots of time to roam around. We found the Seahawks Lounge and had to have our picture taken. Since it was Friday we of course wore our Seahawk shirts. 

We had to fly into Billings Mt and then drive into Wyoming. Those states can be pretty hardcore Broncos fans so I wasn't sure if we were going to get some nasty stares or not! 

Getting ready to board! 

When we got to Billings we got our rental car and then I drove us to Sheridan Wyoming and we stayed the night with my Uncle Lee and Aunt Linda. We had lots of fun seeing much so I completely forgot to take pictures! Ugh! 

On Saturday we drove from Sheridan Wyoming to Gillette Wyoming. This is where I was born and my grandparents live here. We went out to see my cousin Marshall's house that he just built and then headed over to my grandparents apartment. We spent the rest of the day visiting with them. Around 7pm we checked into our hotel. 

On Sunday we went back to my grandparents and we got to see my Mom's youngest Aunt Terri and her daughter Nikki and her grand-daughter Aislyn. It was so nice to see them all! We spent the rest of the day just chatting and visiting with grandma and grandpa and then it was time to say goodbye. Of course I completely forgot to take pictures of my grandparents as well. 

The next morning we got up and ate breakfast and then headed out. We did make a little detour to my childhood home. 

I lived in that house from the day I was born in 1980 until May 1986. It look SO completely different I wouldn't have even knew it was my house. Even with my mom saying it was I was sure she was wrong. What you don't see in the picture is the 100 or so cars that are parked all around the property...junk cars! It's awful! 

Then we started drive back to Billings. The whole trip either in the plane, the car or talking with family I was busy crocheting trying to get Jack's afghan finished for him. When I started it really was only about a 2 feet long and by the time we made it home I was only 3 strands away from finishing it. It got so big my mom ended up buying me a new backpack at ShopKo to fit it in since the carry-on bag I brought was now too small. We also met my friend Angie in Billings at ShopKo. She moved there back in January so it was fun to see her. We went out to lunch at The Cracker Barrel with her and then we ran into my cousin Marshall who we saw in Gillette on Friday. It's a small world out there folks! 

By this time I was ready to be home and see my babies. Of course the flight felt like it took forever and I was sure we were going to die! I love flying, but it still freaks me out sometimes. Michael had kept the kids up so they could get their surprises that we got them. 

Zeke got this Lightning McQueen coat and sweatpant set and an Octopus water bottle. 

Jack got these Spiderman pants, shirt and vest and a fish water bottle. I didn't get pictures of Owen because he tried his stuff on so fast and then took it off. He got camo pants, camo shoes and a fish water bottle. Not sure why I didn't get a picture of Ella, but she got a My Little Pony bracelet, a dress, another outfit and a mermaid water bottle. 

I had so much fun spending 3 whole days with my mom and seeing so many family members. Thank you Mom!!! 

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