Saturday, October 25, 2014

Disneyland Road Trip - Day 10

Saturday September 27th we had planned to go to Crater Lake and again we almost decided to sleep in, but couldn't pass up the experience. So we were off on another adventure. 

On our drive north we got some terrific views of Mt. Shasta. 

It was fun to see the mountain that the building I worked in while at Safeco was named after.

 This particular day was about the same amount of travel as the day before, but the longest stretch of driving was in the morning instead of the afternoon. That seemed to make a difference in regards to our attitudes about being in the car though. 

Once we got up to Crater Lake we went into the Cafe/Shop to eat. We thought about buying lunch, but a regular old PB&J was almost $5! I did get a soup and Michael got a coffee, but other than that we just ate the food that we had left in our cooler. 

The upstairs of the Cafe had a bunch of big tables so we ate up there. It was a nice area and I didn't feel all weird bringing in outside food. 

Silly grape eating girl! 

By far Crater Lake is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! The blue color of the water is so deep and so radiant. 

It was also cold!!! Of course Ella would not wear her coat worth anything! 

Strolling around! 

This is something I want to do...visit as many National Parks as possible! 

See the different shades of blue in the water! If you don't know anything about Crater Lake let me enlighten you. It's was formed forever ago when a volcano collapsed on itself. Wizard island in the middle is the crater of the volcano trying to rebuild itself. The water in the lake is completely pure. It's all from rain. There are no rivers that flow into Crater Lake nor out of it...yet the water level remains almost the same all year long due to evaporation and seepage. So cool!!! 

Making memories with my babies!!! 


without a doubt...

the most...

incredible thing...

I've seen! 

The first night of our trip we stayed in Roseburg and the last night of our trip we did again. Ga-Ga & Pa were going to stay a little further up north in Eugene and we happened to be in Roseburg at the same time so I asked if they wanted to join us for dinner. Of course they said yes and actually they canceled their hotel reservations in Eugene and stayed at the same hotel as we did. 

For dinner we ate at this nice little Italian restaurant I found using my phone. I had a serious craving for some ravioli. 

When we walked in I could tell this wasn't a normal restaurant that people bring children too. Oh well...we were there for an early dinner so not that many people were there yet. By the time we left there were quite a few people and we even got told by the couple at the next table that they were really impressed by how well behaved our kids were. That's always nice to hear! 

After dinner it was back to the hotel for this....

Look at that face! It says it all! After days of not being able to swim he was finally able to swim in an indoor pool! He was one happy boy! 

It's so nice that Pa was there to snap all these pictures of the kids having fun! Ella is such a daredevil. Michael would stand there and tell her to jump and she would keep telling him to move back farther. 

This big boy was getting more and more used to the water! 

Beautiful Bathing Beauty! 

Zeke loved being held in the water like he was swimming! 

Love their milky white skin! 

Look at that strong brooding boy! 

It was a fantastic end to a fantastic day!  

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