Friday, January 2, 2015

Christmas Eve!

Christmas Eve was a lazy day at our house. We were still recovering from our illness that had started the previous week. 

We needed a centerpieces for the food table on Christmas so I broke out the Gingerbread House kit that Uncle Ry and Aunt Stephie had gotten the kids last year. I had just kept it in the pantry this whole time. 

I put all the icing on and the kids did most of the candy. It's a serious job! 

Here's the finished product. The thing to the left of the door is a mailbox...Jack was sure they needed one! 

Ga-Ga & Pa spent the day with....Pa was busy setting the tables in the garage and making them look so nice and Ga-Ga was helping me get things ready inside. We ordered Papa John's pizza for dinner, watched a movie, read the Christmas story from the Jesus Storybook Bible and let the kids open one present. 

They had been dying all day to open it! 

New Christmas jammies!!! 

The three older ones were overjoyed....Zeke not so much. He was still not feeling the best so he was grouchy!

After the kids went to bed we set up the Santa gifts and filled the stockings! 

We were ready for Christmas morning! 

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