Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ella's Nightstand & New Bed!

Just like I wanted Ella's name sign to have a punch of color I also thought it would be fun for her nightstand to as well. Of course I found the inspiration on Pinterest! I asked Ella what she thought and she loved it so down to the hardware store for some spray paint I went. 

Nice, simple nightstand.

On the tarp and ready for a big change. All those red circles are from a previous MOPS craft that involved tin cans!

Punch of color!!!! I love it!!!

Here it is put back together! 

A few days later we had a knock at the door and it was the UPS man delivering Ella's was quite a few days earlier than we expected. Such a nice surprise! As you can see she was super excited about her new bed! I was worried that the whole bed wasn't there because the box was so small! They seriously know how to pack those things! Everything was in the box except the instructions. Thankfully the Internet is a wonderful thing and I was easily able to bring them up on my phone. It was really easy to put it together and Ella even helped! She's such a great helper! 

Now her bed doesn't look so funny sitting on the floor anymore. I love how the bed is girly and simple. I didn't want anything that was too busy or too young looking. This is going to be her bed until she moves out so it needs to be able to grow with her into her teen years! Thanks Ga-Ga & Pa for Ella's early birthday present! 

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