Friday, May 22, 2015

Zeke Russell is 3 Years Old!!!

Holy Moly my baby is 3!!!! 

Zeke Man I still have a terribly hard time thinking you are 3! For starters you are just a cute little guy. So many people have asked us over the last year if you were 12 or 18 months old. There are tons of kids under 2 years old that are your same height. I think you are going to take after the Grant side of the family in regards to your stature. 

You have definitely transitioned to a big boy this last year. You no longer sit in a high don't sleep in a toddler can sit on a big boy swing. And the best part of all....NO MORE DIAPERS!!!! Let me tell you Mama is happy about that ship sailing! You still have some room to grow in regards to being more independent. You still don't initiate taking down your pants, but you are very good about telling us when you have to go. 

Your vocabulary is amazing! I try very hard to not compare, but I would say you and Jack are very similar with how many words you can say at such a young age. You crack me up with some of the things you say....for were at my friend Laci's house a while back and her dog surprised you. Ella said that you were crying like, "Waaa Waaa Waaa", to which you responded I was not...I was saying, "Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm", (like a whimper). Then you said, "that dog no want to eat me.......then I be all gone!" 

You love to have choices....what shirt to wear, what cup to use, what shoes to put on, what plate for lunch. Choices are your friend! As far as food goes you are at a plateau I would say. You are pretty much set with what you learned at therapy, but you haven't really ventured out into new territory in a while. That's fine with me. We have a good thing going and you are eating so I'd rather not rock the boat. 

You like to love to play on "ABP Mouse" and you like to be involved with Ella's preschool at home. You love to call me teacher while we are doing school. I would say your favorite thing about learning is singing songs. You love to sing....whenever we are going to have nachos I'll start singing "Nacho Nacho Man...I'm gonna be a nacho man" you love that song!!! 

You have not really been interested in any ride on toy or the power wheels until recently. I'm thinking it had to do with your height. Now you do enjoy riding on Jack's Y Glider......seriously the best scooter ever. You also have just recently started driving Owen's Lightning McQueen Power Wheels around in the garage. 

You still love to be snuggled and you still suck your thumb at bed time. I'm hoping that will be an easy to break habit for you like it was for Ella. We'll see come your 5th birthday I guess! 

It's hard for me to imagine, but come September it will just be you and me while the big kids are in school. Crazy! I haven't had just one kid at home since June 2008! Shopping will be different, going to MOPS will be different...everything will be different! I'm hoping that you won't be too lonely without Sissy as you two have become quite attached to each other lately. I have a feeling that you will be just like me and want to go to "Cool" early. 

Zeke Russell....I have mixed emotions about you growing up. I love seeing you discover and figure out new things. I love that you are growing and developing new skills that will eventually mean you can do it all by yourself, but at the same time you are my last! Not only will I never raise a baby again in the same way as I raised you guys, but I won't really hold and feel for another baby the way I felt about you guys until I'm a grandma....that's hopefully a long ways out which will be a good thing, but it makes me sad. This is another chapter in my life that is closing. Chapter 34....No more babies - On to big kids! time really and truly flies by! 

You are my precious baby boy. I could not even imagine our family without you. I remember laying on the operating table waiting for what seemed like forever for them to finally take you out and thinking...I hope it's a girl.....I hope it's a boy....I hope it's a girl...and then at the last second I really truly though.....I really hope it's a boy! The whole pregnancy I was wanting a girl, but at the same time trying not to get my hopes up, but then at the same time making sure I wouldn't be disappointed either was quite weird. God knew that we needed you! I thought Ella needed a sister, but she really needed you! I needed you! I knew almost the moment we had Ella that we would have a fourth child. Then after we lost Kyan I thought this can not be how I finish my childbearing days. I knew there was another baby and you were that baby. You are so treasured buddy. I know that God is going to lead you and guide you and when you fall He'll pick you up. When you struggle He will be there to comfort you....just like we will. I love you more than words can say Zeke Man! 

Happy Birthday! 

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