Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Fresh Air!

A few weeks ago we just needed to get out of the house as a family and go do something. Not anything expensive or anything just something so we could spend time together away from the house. We tried to take the kids to this park in Burien that has a staircase that leads to the beach, but the last 100 ft of the staircase had been washed out so that was a no go. So we took the kids to Seahurst instead. I hadn't been there since they made a few changes. The weather was on the cooler side, but that was actually nice since it's been a scorching hot summer! 

Owen was all about building a dam by the creek, but the other kids wanted to explore. Michael stayed with Owen and I went with the other kids. 

He's such a handsome 7 year old!!! 

Zeke is so little, but he actually was able to make it over the drift wood. Of course there were tears about it though! 

We found a piece of sidewalk chalk so the kids had fun making some pretty art on the cement. 

The beach looked so pretty with all these flowers that had popped up. 

Ella trying to cross the log that goes over the little drainage pond. She decided against it once she got closer to the middle. 

And of course you can't go to the beach and not throw rocks!!! 

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