Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Wyoming Trip 2015 - Day 4 & Day 5

Tuesday was another hang out at Aunt Linda's house day. While we were there we did things like, played outside, go on the slip and slide, rode scooters, played fetch with Nala, played on the Kindles, watched movies, talked, drank Mike's Hard Lemonade, read magazine, shopped for jewerly from Grandma and Aunt Linda's stash, went to the school and played on the playground, ran, ate yummy food, did our nails and played board games. 

Of course we also ate yummy food and this was the yumminess that Owen was going after...he didn't actually end up eating it all! 

Two more family members showed up on Tuesday...Uncle Myrle and his daughter Lori. I had promised the girls we would do "party" nails....AKA paint all of their nails except two and put Jamberry nails on the two I didn't paint. Tiffy...on the right in the picture above was the only other one to get a full set of Jam's besides me. 

This was also the first day of the departures. Ga-Ga & Pa were leaving to go to Gillette to see Grandpa. This is our attempt at a group shot...I'm thinking Owen and Jack were downstairs, Zeke was taking a nap, Uncle Lee was at work and Aunt Stephie is taking the picture. 

What a bunch of weirdos...yeah I'm talking about your Aunt Linda, Michael and Colton!!!! ;) 

Ga-Ga & Aunt Linda! It's always hard to say goodbye! 

On Wednesday we left bright and early heading for Yellowstone. We've taken the kids before back in 2012 when Zeke was a little baby, but we couldn't come all this way and be only an hour away and not go into the park for at least a day! 

Our first stop was Old Faithful. Of course we got there right after she blew. So we hung out at the Visitor Center, went potty and watching a movie that talking about billions and billions of years...BLAH!!!! Then we headed over to watch the geyser erupt. It was funny Tiffy had gone into the park earlier in the week and she said..."It's the only place in the world where people gather to watch water squirt out of the ground!" So true! It is amazing of course, but it's also funny if you think about it. The eruption seemed longer than I remember and even the kids were saying things it going to stop! 

Michael went back to the van to get our lunch and then we walked over to Old Faithful Inn to eat. 

These nice people were sitting at a table on the 3rd floor and they asked us to join them since they were only taking up half of the table. It was nice to get to visit with other tourists! 

We did make a short trip into the gift shop which I'm sure you know with children is asking for disaster so we got out of there pretty quickly. I mainly wanted to see if they still had the earrings I bought there back in 2012 since I'd like to get another pair, but unfortunately they did not! 

The weather wasn't all that great the day we were there and I accidentally left the stroller in Aunt Linda's garage so we didn't get out and explore very much. We did drive by sight-seeing and that's okay. It was a fun little trip to the park. I think the next time we go will be when the kids are old enough to really enjoy the sights and walk on their own for long distances! 

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