Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Back To School Bash!!!

The day before school starts the kids have an Open House where they get to go and meet their teachers, see their classroom and drop off their school supplies. Ga-Ga and GG...(she's been up from Denver since we got back from Wyoming)...came up after lunch so I could take the 3 older kiddos. I was going to take them all at once, but then it occurred to me that it might be better to take them separately so I could focus on that one child and then I wouldn't have to listen to how bored the other two kids were! I decided to just go in birth order so Owen and I headed out first. 

Owen is in Ms. Howdeshell's 3rd grade class this year. I was hoping that he would get Mr. Heintz...Jack's 1st grade teacher...since he moved up to being a 3rd grade teacher this year, but after meeting her I think she is going to be awesome for Owen. She is a louder teacher and she is quite frank and has lots of rules and expects the kids to become WAY more independent. Let me tell you the gloves come off in 3rd grade. Owen is going to have to take a lot more ownership of his work this year. It's going to be a change and change is always a little painful, but it's going to be great at the same time. 

Ms. Howdeshell's classroom is decorated with Minions and it's got a grown up feel to it. Right off the bat she told Owen to find a desk and put his backpack on it. That taking ownership stuff was already happening! 

Once Owen and I got home I decided to come back with both Jack and Ella. For one thing our schools parking just plain sucks! I honestly thought I was going to have to park in the neighbor north of the school when Owen and I came...luckily I noticed a lady getting in her SUV and got a really good spot. Also I didn't want to have to walk in the rain anymore than necessary! When I came with Jack and Ella I got lucky again and got pretty much the front row spot. Yahoo! 

A couple weeks ago Ella attended Kindergarten Camp and at that point we didn't know who her teacher was going to be. She had already gotten to know 2 of the kindergarten teachers...they had to hire another one since the third teacher found another job, but at kindergarten camp they hadn't hired anyone yet. Ms. Asselin is going to be great with Ella. The theme in their room this year is A Growing Garden of Learners...they have all sorts of stuff that's related to growing and blooming this upcoming school year. You know me...I love a theme! 

Jackson's teacher this year is Ms. Davidson which is SO awesome since she was Owen's 2nd grade teacher as well. I've always thought it would be fun to have the same teacher for another child! I only was able to volunteer in Ms. Davidson's class once last year so I'm happy I get another opportunity to help her out again this year. This year will be her first full school year since she wasn't hired on until the end of 2014. It was nice to see her classroom all set up and ready just the way she wanted it. Also she's going to use this program called Class Dojo. Mr. Heintz used this last year with the 1st graders and I'm so happy it's such a great way to see how your kiddo is doing and it's so easy to contact their teacher! 

Checking out his new desk! 

Per our tradition since the kids started going to public school we always have a Back to School Bash the night before the first day. Ga-Ga & Pa come up and we go to Red Robin for dinner. Since we don't go out to dinner very often this is a fun treat. Of course this year GG got to join us too! 

The Red Robin near our house had just undergone a renovation and it looked really nice. 

The only thing was the windows behind us were leaking from the rain. 

Michael had to actually request a towel since it was splashing up on his arm and the back of Jack's head. Our server was right on top of it and the problem was solved. 

And of course balloons for everyone! 

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