Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Bon Voyage...AKA Ella's First Day Of Kindergarten!

September 8th 2015...the day my baby girl went off to school! I wasn't necessarily sad about Ella going to school....she was completely ready for it. I just knew I would miss her and it's crazy to me that we've even gotten to this point already. 

Of course it was Ella's turn with the sign! 

Crazy face girl! 

Of course even though it was a bit chilly there was no getting this girl to wear a coat. I've already talked with her teacher about the fact that she runs hot and barely ever wears coats. 

I bought Ella's outfit especially for her first day of school. I found it at Costco for only $15 and I thought it was quite fitting since we are sending her off on a big, new adventure! 

Ella did really well when it came to our morning routine....we've been practicing with the boys. She ate breakfast, helped pack her lunch....the lunch station is working splendidly...brushed her teeth, let me do her hair...she asked for the ponytail...the we packed her backpack and we were ready to go...early I might add!!!  

Which of course it was good that she was ready early so I would have time to take all of her first day at school pictures. 

She finally gets to debut her graduating class shirt. I made all 3 of the older kids there shirts at the same time so this has been waiting for her to wear it for a long time. Now I just need to make one for Zeke. 

Cute siblings...poor Owen was not feeling good. He has a cold...of course all those germs from school or the changing weather...who knows! He wanted to stay home, but I just gave him cough syrup and told him he'd be fine. I wasn't sure if I'd get him to smile...

But I did!!! I don't even know what I said here that made him grin! 

Jack and Ella will get to see each other at recess so they have become buddy buddy lately. I think Jack is excited to show Ella all the rules...he feels like the big man on campus. 

Owen doesn't go to recess at the same time the younger kids do so he doesn't get to see Jack and Ella until they all get on the bus at the end of the day. 

All ready!!! 

Walking up to meet friends! 

Kendra and Ella started kindergarten together. They aren't in the same class, but will get to play together at recess twice a day and ride on the bus together. Of course Lily had to be with the big girls! 

One of the other moms took a picture of me and the 3 younger ones...we had already said goodbye to Owen so he could stand at his door. 

Waiting for the bell to ring! She did so great...she didn't need me to stand next to her or hold her hand. She's already a pro! 

The bell never actually rang, but Miss Asselin came out and explained to the kids what they needed to do....hang up their backpacks, find their desk and play with play doh. I love how Ella was the first kid to jump she was so ready! 

I wasn't planning on going in...I thought they discouraged that, but all the other parents were so I figured I would sneak a peak. I love how all the kids had little buckets with their names. 

I went over to help Ella Grace find her seat, but she had already found it. She looks so happy! 

I didn't stick around very long at all. I didn't want to linger. I wanted her to be a big girl and get used to me not being there. I didn't cry at all at school...then when I got in the van I got a bit teary eyed, but no tears fell from my eyes. 

Now it's just me and this big guy! 

So far he's doing great...I know it's going to be an adjustment not having any other kiddos to play with, but I'm sure he'll be just fine. Two more years and all four of my kiddos will be in school. Crazy! 

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