Monday, October 26, 2015

Fall Festival!

Yesterday  we took the kids to our churches annual Fall Festival. 

 The kiddos in all their costume cuteness....Zeke...Buzz Lightyear - Ella...Princess Aurora - Owen...Delta Force Guy - Jack...Captain America. 

Zeke's costume has been used for all 3 boys so it's on it's last leg for sure. I did find awesome Velcro wings to go with his costume for dollar at a garage sale. Ella's dress and crown were something she bought herself at my churches MOPS sale earlier this year. For Owen and Jack I did go ahead and buy their costumes this year. Owen just loves Army Soldiers and Jack wanted to be Captain America SO badly. On two separate occasions I was at a store and saw the costumes and just knew I had to get them. I don't normally make purchases like that, but I just recently heard the don't regret the things you do, but the things you don't do. Now I know that saying isn't completely true, but when you think about it how many times do you hear yourself say...I wish I had....gone on that ride with the kids, or gone parasailing or bought that dress. Too many times! So I didn't want this to be one of those times. My boys are at such a great stage with using their imaginations and before you know it they won't think that stuff is cool anymore and that phase will be over all too quickly! 

Michael and I were volunteering at one of the carnival games so we got to rock the orange volunteer shirts. 

The activities started at 5pm and then we were volunteering at 6pm. First we took the kids around to all the trunks. 

We got to vote for the trunk we liked the best. Ella and I voted for the pirate trunk. I just loved the sail! 

Our friends the Meyer's had set up their trunk as the video game trunk. The music was all Nintendo music and of course this one was a big hit. I think Owen would have stayed at this trunk all night if we let him. 

Later on in the evening I found Mario and Luigi playing on their phone together! 

Our friends the Zimmer's had a chicken trunk. They brought one of their chickens and a rooster. The cardboard box behind the chicken is where the rooster was. He had to be separated from the chicken because he was being ornery with her. 


I took this picture off FB...this was the car Michael and the older boys voted for....It was amazing for sure! 

After going around to the all the trunks we came in and bought some pizza and a corn dog. After that we started taking the kids to the carnival games. During that time my friend Rachael showed up with her girls and her sister Desi. Once it was time for Michael and I to start volunteering at our carnival game they were so sweet and took the older three to the cookie walk and then to get their faces painted. 

Zeke man of course wouldn't go he wanted to stay and rolling around all over me. Once the kiddos were done with face painting they came back into the auditorium and just went through all the games again. By this time it was getting pretty slow. Owen was just bouncing from game to game. That kids bag was SO full of candy. It was super fun as expected!


This is our super fun Pastor Andy and his wife Colleen on the right and some new staff members that just recently joined our church...Brandon and Elaine. They titled this picture...Couch Potatoes! 

I wish I had taken a picture of Jackson this morning...his face painting didn't fare well. The yellow of the moon made him look like his liver was failing and the black was EVERYWHERE. He must have leaned onto his hand and his arm in the middle of the night because it literally looked like he had been so beat up all over his face and his arms. It was pretty funny! I tried my best to get it off, but he did go to school looking like he had a little eyeliner on! Oh well I guess that's the sacrifice you make when you want your face to look like a cool Batman symbol! 

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