Saturday, October 3, 2015

My Dream Vacation - Day 3

This was the day we decided to venture into Ocean Shores. The weather was absolutely gorgeous! When planning this trip knowing that it was going to be late September I didn't even pray that the weather be nice. I mean...beggers can't be choosers, right! The gorgeous blue sky was the icing on the cake though! 

The first place we stopped was the beach there in Ocean Shores. We got the kids kite out so they could fly it around and of course we brought all sorts of sand toys. 

I had fun scraping my name out of sand! 

Michael of course set out to build an awesome sand castle kingdom. 

It's a bit bright isn't it Owen? 

The nice thing about our kite is it's just a little one...the kids all were able to handle it. They did let go a couple times, but it just ends up falling down so it's not a big deal. 

Bill and Christina have a nice kite they got from Costco....the handle is super nice and made winding the string up so easy! 

It was WAY up there! 

Zeke LOVED the kite! 

It was so fun watching him run around the beach with it. 

Our crew was spread out all over the place. 

I thought it would be fun to do a selfie with each of my kiddos and my man! 

When we drove onto the beach Owen had seen these big sand mountains. He just couldn't stand it he had to go conquer them. So Christina and I took all the kids except Zeke over to check them out. 

Big brothers! 

Run up the mountain and...

jump off the mountain! 

We knew we would be out and about for lunch so we packed food and had a picnic on the beach with The Kuch's. 

My parents and Ryan & Steph were off on adventures of their own. We were planning on meeting them later in the day. 

Shortly after lunch Michael finished his sandcastle kingdom and like always he let the kids destroy it! 

This is...

the best...

thing ever...

in their...


An hour worth of work destroyed in about 10.5 seconds! 

After the beach I dropped Michael and the older boys off at the go-kart place. Michael was going to take them on the go-karts and then walk across the street to play mini golf. Since I had already done something special with Ella the day before I didn't want to spend money on that for her...I felt like it was a good Daddy/bigger boys bonding time as well. Zeke is just too little for that stuff yet! Christina had read about this free interpretive center on the south side of Ocean Shores so that's where we headed. 

When we got there we saw guys working  on the building and they ended up not being open, but the guy was so nice he said we could come in anyways. This place was so cool! They totally get kids! They completely understand that kids need to touch and feel everything. There were rocks and feathers and whale bones and just tons of fun stuff to look at and see. The only things they couldn't touch were the taxidermy animals. The kids were fascinated by them though so they didn't mind that they couldn't touch them. The also did have animal pelts hanging on the walls so they were able to feel the animals fur and see the differences between the animals.    

Zeke was so excited that he came running over to me and I had to go see the owl he found. I didn't even see it until he pointed it out, but I'm sure that's because it was more at his eye level! 

Hard to starboard!!! 

The guy that let us in is the head of the board of directors for the center. He explained how they get their animals...they have permits to get them when they die...its not like they are going out and hunting them. We were there for probably an hour and it ended up being way more fun that I had imagined. They are doing some upgrades so it will be fun to come check it out again the next time we visit. 

We still had a little time before we were meeting everyone in town so we drove over to this spit area so we could check out the ocean. 

Ella thought this rock that was like a slide was pretty cool! 

The beach was just breathtaking. When we were at Ocean Shores earlier the tide was out so far it made it hard to play the "run from the waves" game. Thankfully the tide was in during this time so we had so much fun running from the waves. I was holding Zeke and his whole body would tense up and he was giggling so hard. Great fun!!!

That's when we got the call that everyone was already in town and they were waiting for us. We had planned to take the kids for ice cream during this trip and it just so happened that on Tuesday it was National Ice Cream Cone Day so it worked out perfectly!!! 

Murphy's is an ice cream shop right in the heart of Ocean Shores. I don't think we've ever come without getting ice cream from there. The kids were all talking at a mile a minute telling us which flavor they wanted. Aunt Stephie had them line up so she could take their pictures. 

Stephie also took a picture of all of us enjoying our treats! She then won the Auntie of the year award by letting each kiddo pick a piece of candy! The most popular thing was the Ring Pops! 

The kids just had to show me their colored tongues! 

Hey you silly photo bomber Owen!!! 

Later that night we had Teriyaki Chicken Sliders for dinner. Pa took the kids over to the pool so they could swim. I think that's when we played Banana Grams. Normally that's a very fast pace game, but we were having terrible luck so it was SO slow! Still one of the things on my to do list had been to play games so it was fun to get to do just that! In all by the end of the trip we played Sophia's Tea Party Game, Kid's Sequence, Phase 10, Bunco, Banana Grams and Yahtzee. 

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