Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Family Pictures 2015

Every year we have my friend Starr take our family pictures. We usually do them in November when it's cold out and we suffer for it. This year Starr had a great deal to have your pictures taken at a time of your choosing. My mom really wanted pictures with fall foliage so we chose the end of October. We were trying to miss the super cold weather, but on the day we had them taken it turned out to be really really cold anyway! Next year Mom says were having our pictures taken in the summer! Part of the photo deal was that we could also choose where we wanted the pictures taken at, but we decided to leave that up to Starr. She's the pro! We went to this cute museum out in Buckley. It had these nice buildings and then a grassy area with beautiful trees with fall leaves on them. Ryan and Steph weren't able to join us for pictures this year so instead of doing formal family pictures we decided to do something fun and all wear our Seahawks shirts! 

Starr started out with cute close ups of the kiddos. 

She is so good at getting Zeke to smile. This year he really was a big boy about getting his pictures taken. He almost started to cry once, but I had told the kids if they were good while getting pictures they could each have a big bag of M & M's. The candy was even waiting for them in the van. All I had to do was remind him of the candy and then he was fine! 

I can't believe this boy of mine is going to be 9 next month! 

Ella is just a little fashion model with her hand on her hip! 

Ga-Ga looked so nice in her Seahawks shirt, hoodie and she even had Seahawks earrings on. Pa is not a t-shirt kind of guy so he found a perfect shirt that was just the right colors! 

Michael has a Russell Wilson jersey that my mom gave him last year...she got it from a guy when we went to the Mill Creek Garage Sales. Earlier in the month when we went to the garage sales she got Earl Thomas' jersey from the same guy. Michael isn't a super Russell Wilson fan...he doesn't not like him, but he felt weird wearing a jersey for someone he's not super excited about. Now Earl Thomas is someone Michael really likes. He's such a passionate player so Michael feels great wearing his jersey! 

I normally don't pictures of myself when I'm not fully smiling, but I really liked this one! 

Our church has Community Groups....they are basically small groups like a home Bible Study. Sometimes the community groups go more in-depth into the sermons we hear on Sunday and other times the groups get to choose what they want to do. It's all about fellowship and getting to know people. This time around we decided to have a group geared around the Seahawks. We have people come over to our house and we eat yummy food and watch the game together. It's been so much fun connecting with other people that have a love for the Seahawks like we do. Anyway when we figured out that we were doing Seahawks pictures I asked a couple from our group if they had a flag we could borrow. Sharon was so nice she washed their flag and Michael picked it up the day before our pictures. 

Mom got her wish of pretty fall foliage! 

There happen to be a feed store next to this park area so it made a great backdrop for pictures. 

This picture looks very similar to a picture Starr took of us 2 years ago at Fort Steliacoom Park. I had it turned into a canvas and it's mounted above our fireplace in the dining room. 

Here it is! The kids have grown a lot in 2 years! 

I decided to bring a football with us so we could do cute prop shots! 

Jackson thought it would be fun to photobomb Ella's shot! 

Jackson's Wilson shirt with the Wilson ball! 

Cute football player! 

This is by far my most favorite shot of Zeke ever! He is so stinkin' cute!!! 

Even though it was cold and windy and the kids complained about it the pictures turned out great! 

This family of mine sure is a Blessing! 

This is the fourth year of Blessings pictures and I can't wait to have many more! 

If you want to have awesome pictures taken by an awesome lady check her out at Starr Michelle Photography on Facebook! 

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