Monday, January 4, 2016

Christmas Day!

After having our Christmas Morning we headed down to Ga-Ga & Pa's and got there around noon. 

The kids were all ready for round two! 

Uncle Ry and Aunt Stephie actually beat us down there so they were all ready for presents as well. 

We passed out presents to everyone. 

Sure the one picture I take of Michael and I and his eyes are closed...typical! 

We decided to go youngest to oldest, but instead of one present at a time we let each child open all their presents at once and then moved onto the next kiddo. 

From Uncle Ry and Aunt Stephie...Zeke got a Duplo Castle set and...

Thomas the Train Making Tracks game! 

From Ga-Ga & Pa...Zeke got a Paw Patrol Game....

Seahawks sweatshirt, Paw Patrol sweatsuit....

A huge Duplo Train Set...Zeke already has some Duplo train tracks, but this is going to make him be able to have so many more options for set ups. 

He also got a giant Marshall from Paw Patrol! 

From Ga-Ga & Pa Ella got a Barbie Pop-up Camper (She was sure that she could get the best of this box, but it actually got her and gave her a nasty cut on her hand...she was a trooper though!)...

Barbie Mega Bloks Camper...

a jewelry box with a dancing ballerina! She loves her jewelry box and she listens to it every night before bed. 

She also got an Inside Out Nightgown. Ella's 6th birthday is going to be an Inside Out Theme...her favorite is Joy & Disgust!  

From Uncle Ry & Aunt Stephie she got a Dazzling Princess game and...

Elsa's LEGO Ice Palace! This palace is so cute....LEGO Olaf is adorable!

Jackson was sitting on the other side of the tree so it was a bit difficult for me to get he is speedy when it comes to opening his right after the other! From Ga-Ga & Pa he got a Seahawks sweatshirt. 

He also got 2 LEGO Pirates sets and...

a LEGO Star Wars set that comes with Commander Cody that he's wanted for a really long time! 

From Uncle Ry and Aunt Stephie he got another LEGO Star Wars's a Snowspeeder and...

he got a bucket of animals. Aunt Stephie was worried it would be too babyish, but he asked for it. Jackson loves that kind of stuff though. He takes the animals outside and digs in the dirt to make homes for them and acts out all these scenarios. 

From Ga-Ga & Pa...Owen got the LEGO Demolition Site...he's wanted this for a long time. He just had to have that wrecking ball! 

To go along with the Demo Site he also got the Excavator and the Dump Truck set...

and of course he got a Seahawks sweater shirt as well! 

From Uncle Ry & Aunt Stephie....he got an Army Survival has the actual guide, canteen, matches and a bunch of other cool stuff! 

We did confiscate the matches, but Daddy and Owen will take advantage of those this summer I'm sure! 

He also got a LEGO Snowplow! 

After the kids presents were open we set up a few things for them so the adults could open our presents in peace. Of course there weren't nearly the same amount of presents for us! :) 

Ga-Ga & Pa really threw me for a loop when I opened up a present that had a tiny stocking in it filled with 5 Benjamin's! I was just totally shocked. They also got me my Seahawk earrings I'd been wanting. Ryan and Steph got Michael and I gift card to the movies. We love to go on dates so this was perfect. We are actually using it this weekend to go see the last installment of The Hunger Games. As for what I'm going to do with $500....I did order a few things online already...I got a book about miracles and a new mixer blade. The blade ended up not working on my machine though so I'm going to have to ship it back. I also ordered a Seahawks phone case, but it hasn't come yet. I didn't notice I was ordering it from Israel! It should be here by the end of the month. As for the rest of the money my Dad and I are going to work on a project so stay tuned! 

Michael got a really nice wrench that he'd been wanting.

He also got a tiny stocking with 5 Benjamin's as well! He's spent some of his already on computer games. Not sure what he's going to do with the rest though. 

Ryan got an Amazon gift card from us. He also got a movie from Ga-Ga & Pa and a tiny stocking with 5 Benjamin's as well! 

He also got a funny gift from me. It's a gift I had been holding on to for a year. I got it as a white elephant gift last year after Christmas and I knew I had to save it for this year. Ryan loves The Christmas Story so I knew he would get a kick out of it! 

It's the leg lamp! It was so much fun! 

For Steph I made her a casserole carrier in her favorite It also had matching pot holders. We also gave her a gift card to Red Robin and I made another cute little thing for's a fabric first aid kit for her purse. I made it in the same fabric as her casserole carrier. 

Every year I make calendars for everyone with cute pictures of the kids from the previous year. Steph always looks forward to getting hers...she always has so many things she needs to write on it! 

Ga-Ga & Pa got Steph a new curling iron that automatically shuts off so she doesn't have to worry if she forgets to unplug it. She also got a tiny stocking with 5 Benjamin's in it! Boy us kids were sure spoiled!!! 

I got Ga-Ga a new gold sparkly Starbucks cup and a starbucks gift card. Her and Pa also got a gift card to the movies from Ryan and Steph.  

I can't believe I didn't get a picture of Pa....his present was only an envelope though! Ga-Ga had already opened the gift card to the movies so he just had our gift to open. I gave him a Christmas card with a piece of paper in it that said...Reader's Digest! Pa loves Reader's Digest and he hasn't had a subscription in a while so I bought him a 2 year subscription. He loved it! 

Of course the kids had tons of fun playing with all sorts of presents. 

Zeke's volcano Hot Wheels set was pretty awesome. He just had to bring that from home since we were spending the night. In fact all the kids brought a couple presents from home to play with. Michael and I also spend the next day and a half put together lots of LEGO sets! 

Ryan and Steph went home on Christmas night, but not until after we had a lovely dinner and watched some Christmas movies. It was a great time spent with family and thankfully I didn't get sick until Christmas night when I got a sore throat! 

Merry Christmas! 

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