Sunday, April 17, 2016

Easter Sunday 2016!

We have been so busy with yard work, yard work and more yard work that I have had no energy to blog at all. At the end of the night I pretty much melt into the couch and try to stay awake to see the end of Dateline...yes I do know how old that makes me sound! 

Let's travel back a few week to Easter Sunday! 

All my precious babies in their Sunday best. The boys clothes were just shirts that they had on hand that looked springish enough. Ella's dress and little white sweater were bought by Ga-Ga. The shoes were a total splurge by me. She had cute white sandals to wear with her dress already, but then one day we went into Target to buy me new bras and we just happened to go down the shoe aisle and lo and behold they had shoes that matched her dress EXACTLY! Too cute to pass up! 

Side note.....see how cute my ironing board is! It used to have chicken decals on it, but they had really been damaged after years and years of being out in the elements. I had done a MOPS craft that used chalkboard paint and I had just a little bit left and was able to recover my ironing board with it. I love how it turned out and it's going to be fun to change up the message according to the seasons and to use for the kids parties. 

After church we headed down to my parents house and right away I had my Dad take our family picture. You never know how long those cute outfits are going to stay that way. 

We had a really laid back Easter. We ate and chatted and let the kids play with each other. After a while it was high time we hid the eggs for the kids. 

They were super excited! 

And they're off! 

We told the older boys to try to find the harder ones and leave the easier out in the open ones for the girls and Zeke since they are younger. Jack's first egg was in the fire pit and was super easy to find. In one ear and out the other I tell ya!!! 

Muddy boots were a must for Ga-Ga & Pa's backyard. It's an awesome yard for about 4 months out of the year and the other 8 it's a swamp! 

I think she found one! 

It was so awesome that it was nice out for the kids. It's not nearly as fun having an egg hunt inside! 

I found one Mama! 

I was trying to hint to Owen that they was an egg on top of the monkey bars, but he wasn't getting my hints so I ended up having to show him. 

Got it!!!

There's always an egg in the mailbox! 

Each of the kids got 7 eggs and they were so happy! 

Good job Owen!

But wait....Ella didn't have 7 so we had to help her find her quota! 

Found her 7th egg! 

Anna was still down by one so I had to do a last search of the yard. Thankfully I remembered where I hid them and was able to find the lonely egg quickly. 

Checking out her eggs! 


I think Zeke was going for all yellow or green eggs! 

Ready to check out his candy inside the eggs. 

Aunt Stephie and Uncle Ry got each of the kids a fun treat....thankfully it wasn't candy because they had PLENTY of that! 

Owen got a book of short stories about super heroes! 

Jackson got a Lego Nexo Knights sticker book!

Ella got this fun princess coloring book! 

Zeke got a Paw Patrol book and he was pretty excited about it! 

Ga-Ga is the one that goes all out with their baskets. Unfortunately she mixed up Zeke's and Jack's so this LEGO set was actually Jack's. 

And this Spiderman light up toy was actually Zeke's. 

Jack wasn't upset about switching, but Zeke was pretty sure he should get both the Spiderman light toy and the LEGO set! 

Ella got lots of candy and this fun sticker book with princesses. 

Owen also got a LEGO set and entirely too much candy. In fact we still have Easter candy sitting in gallon size Ziploc bags on the counter. 

After the Easter basket fun the kids ran off and played some more and then the adults ate dessert and watched a movie called John in Exile. It was amazing and we had some great talks afterwards. It was a great way to end the day we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord! 

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