Sunday, May 22, 2016

Happy 4th Birthday Zeke Russell!

Zeke Russell is 4 years old! 

My boy who tells me he's a big boy, but then still talks in a baby voice. 

My boy that is a goofball that likes to give himself double bunny ears! 

My boy who likes the idea of something, but then once it's set up he loses interest! 

My boy who is getting better and better at being around other kids. Slowly, but surely. 

My boy who is old enough to have jobs that he does around the house. 

My boy who wants to like cold things, but still has a hard time finishing them before they melt.

My boy who does not have a hard time letting you know if he doesn't like something!

My boy who one day might need glasses like his mama and who will most definitely look adorable in them! 

My boy who plays on the playground with his bike helmet first! 

My boy who is getting better and better at trying new foods...he likes pasta now...praise the Lord! 

My boy who still looks like such a baby when he sleeps. 

My boy who loved his puppy muddy boots until they had holes in them! 

My boy who loves the Seahawks! 

My boy who asks to play with Play-doh all the time, but what that really means is he wants me to make him stuff! 

My boy who LOVES his vehicles....Cars cars, hot wheel cars, trains, fire trucks you name it if it has wheels he's a happy boy! 

My boy who wants to be included in crafty stuff, but just doesn't want to get messy doing it! 

My boy who is a pro at his scooter, but has no interest in riding a bike. 

My boy who is all boy and has the scars....

goose eggs, bruises....

and hospital records to prove it! 

My boy who still sucks his thumb at night! 

My boy who can still fall asleep in the van! 

My boy who keeps me company all day long while the older kiddos are at school! 

My boy who will still put himself to bed sometimes! 

My boy who would still probably be wearing his heavy winter coat if I hadn't given it away. 

My boy who loves candy! 

My boy who wants to be helpful, but more often than not says...."It's too heavy"...even if it's just a bag of chips! 

My boy who loves going to the park. 

My boy who know how to shop til he drops! 

My boy who can at times be a little monster! 

My boy who is getting bigger way to fast! 

My boy who I see so much of my personality in....the baby of the family that wants attention and will do silly things to get it and expects to get his way all of the time! 

My boy who loves the outdoors! 

My boy who loves to have mama built him a train track! 

My boy who is getting more adventurous when it comes to playing in water! 

My super duper handsome boy that has a smile that will melt your heart! 

My boy who loves to drive around in McQueen and is quite good at making him skid! 

My boy who sometimes need to watch a movie in mama and daddy's bed just so he can fall asleep! 

My boy who loves to still be rocked after his bath wrapped in his towel! 

My boy who still after months and months talks about the star fish at the water park and can't wait to go back later this year! 

My boy who loves to go somewhere fun! 

My boy who has had stitches on his eyebrow, glue on his chin and a broken collar bone! 

My boy who did so good for hours on the raft in the river last year! 

My boy who thought it was super fun to sit in his car seat at Ga-Ga's to watch cartoons! 

My boy who loves to run ahead on the trails! 

My boy who was almost not big enough to bowl! 

My boy who loved going up and down on the carousel!

My boy with his black took him almost a year, but he loves driving it now! 

My boy who finally enjoyed the pool with his siblings last summer! 

My boy who could spend hours and hours playing in the sand! 

My boy who could eat his weight in cereal! 

My boy who still loves to be carried home from the bus stop!

My boy who just last year out grew his 12 month swim trunks! 

My boy who knows how to fall down the easement just prior to his birthday party so his face looks super gnarly! 

My boy who's is most definitely not a baby anymore! 

My boy who loves chocolate! 

My boy who loves to help mama in the kitchen! 

Zeke Russell 4 years have gone by since I was laying on that bed in the OR going back and forth in my head saying...I hope it's a I hope it's a I hope it's a I hope it's a boy. At the last second before they pulled you out my heart truly was set when I at last said.....I really hope it's a boy! When Daddy said, "It's a boy!" I was so overjoyed! You were meant to be the baby of our family! You are the cherry on top buddy! You are so loved! 

I can't believe 4 years have gone by. It was a flash really! I still get emotional every time I hear the song Hero by Abandon  it was the song that was playing the last time I nursed you! That's the part I miss the most about my babies....nursing. Providing for you in a way that God meant for me to do. The closeness that came from that time. I still can't believe that you've been potty trained for almost 2 years! I remember it actually took me about two months after you were trained for it to kick in that I would never again change a diaper on any of my kids! 

You are my keep me company and drive me crazy at the same time. You are hilarious in how sometimes it can take you forever to get out what you are trying to say all the while sucking in all the air in the room when you talk! You make us laugh, you make us frustrated, you bring us joy and you complete our family. 

I love you so much buddy and even though I say I can't wait until you're in school I know that I will be emotional when that day comes. It will be easier knowing that I'll probably see you throughout the day since I plan to work at the school. I want to be with all you kids....helping the teachers, getting to know your friends, always being there when you need me and the best part...getting all the same vacation days off as you do! 

Zeke Russell I pray that as you grow you will know just how much you are loved by not only your family, but by God. He loves you more than we ever could! He has a plan for your life. He has you here for a purpose. You are a wonder and a joy and you bring that to each and every person you encounter. 

Happy 4th Birthday Bo Bee! 

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