Friday, June 17, 2016

New Favorite!

In a previous post I mentioned spending part of Memorial Day with our friends the Dials. While we were there Zeke was riding around on this old Tricycle they had in the backyard. Zeke hasn't really shown any interest at all in bicycles or tricycles. He normally just wants to push himself on his scooter. 

While we were there he just kept practicing and practicing his pedaling and he figured it out pretty much all on his own! 

Lance was sitting there and he said that we should just borrow it. Zeke was really enjoying it and he said that their girls don't really ride it much. We absolutely took him up on the offer! When Zeke moves onto riding a bicycle we'll give it back and it will probably be just the right time for Reagan to start riding it. 

A couple days later Zeke was wanting to ride outside, but I was trying to fold laundry. That's when I thought....hmmm, our deck is big enough if I move the table and chairs as far over as I can. Zeke wasn't sure he liked it at first, but now he loves it! 

He can go ride anytime he wants and we don't have to go out and set up the kids playing sign and watch for cars. It's fabulous! He likes to go around these two poles....he can make really tight turns and he's already familiar with tipping over! 

I did tell him he must always have the gate shut to the backyard when he's more trips to the ER please! He is so good about shutting it and telling other people that it needs to be shut! 

This guy really love riding around and I have a feeling it won't be too long before he'll want to try a bike! 

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