Monday, June 27, 2016

Riverview Community Church Soccer Camp!

During the week of June 20th our church had its 14th annual soccer camp. I love that we are able to do this for our community and the best part is it's absolutely free! There were over 120 kids that participated this year! 

On the first day the kids all get their green soccer camp shirts. We also separate the kids into age brackets and assigned them to teams using colored bracelets. For example the girls that were ages 5-6 were the pink team and the boys ages 9-10 were red. It made it super easy for the coaches to know which kids were their responsibility! 

I was signed up to work the registration table which I did at the beginning of camp, but then I had to fill in for Michael. He was supposed to work on one of the fields. Michael wasn't able to help out on the first day because his background check hadn't come through yet. Darn terrorist that use the name Michael Martin as an alias! Thankfully by the second day of camp Michael was able to help out! 

The night before soccer camp started Jack asked me if I'd ask Jacob's Dad if he could come to camp too. It was such a last minute thing, but it totally worked out. In fact Jacob's whole family came and his older sister even got to participate in the soccer portion as well! 

My responsibilities on the field were to hand out the pennies....that's the name of the orange vests if you didn't know....I for one did not know that! It was so gross after the first group rotated through because they were all sweaty. I felt really bad for the next group that had to wear them. Ewww! The kids didn't seem to mind though and they did have their soccer shirt on underneath the vest so it wasn't like someone else's sweat was actually touching their skin. 

Ella wanted Kendra to come and this was even more last minute....a text to Rachael at 7am on the day of soccer camp! Thankfully it was able to work out! Kendra actually got to come to our house for all 3 days of soccer camp at 3:30 so her and Ella got play time before we headed out for camp. 

The first day Ella and Kendra were on the same team, but the second day they got split up. There were a lot of girls ages 5-6! 

Owen has hilarious! He is not really a team player per se. He likes to hang sole so it was no surprise to me to see him hanging back while all the other boys were at the other end of the field battling it out! 

His favorite job was goalie! 

At the end of the first two days of soccer camp they gathered the kids around and talked for just a few minutes and then it was time for Popsicles!!!!

This year was the first time....that I know of....that we had soccer camp for 3 days. The third day was different then the first two. We had all the kids come into the auditorium and they were each given a ticket. They drew tickets for gift cards to Toys R Us and there was silly guy that performed for the kids and even spoke about Jesus a little bit. It was fun and the kids loved it. 

After the speaker the kids got to get in line to get their very own soccer ball to take home and then it was outside for hot dogs, chips and lemonade for the whole family. The kids ate and then they got some time to go play around on the big field with their soccer balls.

I love that our church loves our community! We want to serve families and we want them to know that the church is a place where families are loved and welcome. Those are the main things that Jesus asks us to and serve others and I feel so blessed that I get to be part of it! 

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