Sunday, July 24, 2016

Workcation - Day 6!

On Sunday morning Michael went to church because it was his week to usher. I ended up staying home because I wanted to deal with the drywall dust everywhere. I took the vacuum around and vacuumed everything! I mean everything....I vacuumed the pictures on the wall, the furniture the cabinets, the dining room table....everything. I love my Kirby! I also painted the entryway with a second coat of paint....come to find out later I used the paint for the dining room which is similar, but different from the entryway paint. Oops! 

Once Michael got home we ate lunch....we knew that once we started the tiling process there would be no breaks for eating! After that Michael mixed up the mortar and we were off. 

Michael seems so much more alert and rested so I really felt like we made the right choice in waiting to do the tile! 

I had arranged the tiles by rows out in the garage so I started bringing them in. I had also wrapped tape around the stacks of tiles to keep them together. When I took the tape off I put it on the floor and then wrote the number that row was with and arrow pointing to the pile of tile it was for. It was a pretty good system and we never got any tiles mixed up! 

Some of the tiles needed to be laid a certain way because of the cut edges or some other reason. Sometimes it was obvious which way the tiles the ones that went around the hole for the toilet for example, but there were other times it wasn't so obvious so I would draw an arrow on the tiles that pointed to the south. 

Coming along! 

This was about the time the mortar started getting really hard. I had only bought one bag for this process so it was off to the hardware store for another bag. Michael counted the tiles we had laid so far and it was 41 and we had 41 tiles to go....pretty good for not planning that out! 

Putting in the last few spacers. I think Michael started around 12:30 and we finished around 4:40....4 hours on his knees on hard flooring....ugh!!! 

All his hard word paid off though because it looked wonderful!!! 

That was the end of the workcation portion of the remodel. The rest of the work was done after Michael got off work and then we basically were finished the following Sunday...all except a few cosmetic things. Stay tuned for The Rest Of The Story! 

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