Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Escaping The Heat!

On Friday August 19th the kids and I were supposed to go to the sprinkler part with Kim and her kids, but Kim wasn't feel well so we rescheduled for the next week. The forecast for that day and the next day said it was going to be in the upper 90's. I can handle 80's, but 90 is a bit much! So I called up Ga-Ga to see if we could come down to her place to beat the heat....Ga-Ga & Pa's house has A/C!!!

Before we hung out at the house though we picked up Ga-Ga and went to Costco for lunch and shopping. On our way home we stopped at a few garage sales and the kids were able to use their spend money. 

Side Note: We are having our family pictures taken in September and I was having a hard time finding a shirt that matched everyone else's shirt. Well...the first garage sale we stopped at I found the perfect shirt for .25!!!

Once we got home from all the shopping Ga-Ga & I got the backyard set up for a lot of water fun! Jackson is all into American Ninja Warrior so we set it up as a course. 

First he had to go on the slip and slide....

then he had to jump in the pool....

run through and avoid other kids....

once he was out of the pool he had to go over to the play structure...

climb the rock wall....

come down the water slide...

run over to the sandbox and jump off...

make his way to down the path where he had to push the button to finish the course! 

Jackson is this years Backyard Ninja Warrior! 

Before we got to Ga-Ga's I had rented The Angry Birds movie so during the hottest part of the day the kids came in to refuel. 

They also had fun using these cool trays I found at a garage sale for $1 for all 4!!!  

We ended up spending the night and then staying until after dinner on Saturday. It was so nice to be able to enjoy both the hot and the cool and not just be smothered by the hot. When we got home on Saturday night the house wasn't too bad and to my surprise Michael did a bunch of work while we were gone. I was sure he was just going to chill out.....goodness knows the man deserves it! Instead of relaxing he painted all the mill work from the recent remodel and the door to the bathroom. He also touched up all the mill work on the stairway and in the hallway upstairs. Plus....he painted our bedroom the new color that I picked out to match my new bedding. 

Yeah for no white walls!! The color is called Simmering Smoke...it's a really light grey, but I didn't want anything dark. I wanted our room to feel open and airy! 

I love our new bedding! I found it at Fred Meyer's on clearance. It was originally priced at $149.00, marked on sale down to $111,00 and then I got it on clearance for $55!!! I had been planning on spending $60, but when it comes to King Size bedding that is almost impossible. I also had some money leftover from my gas fund for the month so I used that and got a set of sheets on sale for $34.99. I love finding deals! 

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