Saturday, December 24, 2016

12 Days Of Christmas - Day 4 - Choir, Serving, Hallmark Movie & Snowflakes!

Day 4 of the 12 Days Of Christmas started sleeping in for the first day of Christmas break. Jack and Ella were both in the kids choir at church and they had their big practice at 9am. 

After that our family help by serving at the Big Blessing at our church. We were part of the delivery crew that delivered presents and food to the families our church had adopted. We did this last year for the first time and it was such a great way for our kids to see first hand that Christmas isn't all about them. This was a great reminder that they needed again this year. 

After lunch Michael went out to meet Uncle Ry to see Rogue One so the kids and I hunkered down at home. I just recently noticed that we actually get the Hallmark channel. There was a cute movie on called Chirstmas Cookies so we watched it. We as in Jack and I...he really enjoys movies with a story and even though he hides his face in the covers I think he likes it when the people finally realize they love each other and kiss! 

After dinner we got to do the activity that Owen had been waiting days to get to...snowflake making!!! 

I didn't have any thin printer paper so we used white cardstock and it was pretty hard to cut through, but I tell you those snowflakes are pretty sturdy! 

Daddy didn't want to make a snowflake, but he came in and hung out with us. 

Since the cardstock was hard to cut I had to cut the snowflakes for Ella and Zeke. The next day Ella was going to a birthday party for her friend Amelia from school and she was so cute she set aside one snowflake to give to her for her birthday. 

Since Daddy was hanging out and there was a bunch of scrap paper lying around he decided to make an airplane! 

Owen was so happy to finally get to show off his snowflake making skills!!! 

We decided to put snowflakes on both the sliding glass door and the front window. 

Another successful day of fun! 

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