Friday, January 6, 2017

12 Days Of Christmas - Day 12 - Christmas Day!!

The 12th Day of Christmas.....Christmas Day!!!

When we put the kids to bed the night before we reminded Owen....he's the early riser...that he couldn't wake us up until 7am. We were sure he was going to be knocking on our door the moment it turned from 6:59 to 7am, but surprisingly he didn't come knocking until 7:11! He said he had woke up earlier and it wasn't time and then he accidentally fell back to sleep! 

The first thing they saw were their Santa gifts.

So excited about the giant bucket of Cheese Balls. I knew to buy him these because Ga-Ga had said one of the times he went with her to Sam's Club he was on the floor begging her to buy them. 

Yummy green chips!!! 

Jackson LOVES cherries! 

A box of goldfish all for her!!! 

Then I piled up their presents in front of them. 

Owen and Ella wanted their picture taken with Charlie! 

That's a big pile of awesomeness! 

Ready to dig in! 

We don't let our kids just rip into them. All the fun is over too quickly and then no one gets to see what everyone gets.

Owen chose to open his 'something to read' present first'. 

He got 2 Berenstain Bear books and a funny fact book titled...'Can holding in a fart kill you?' It was right up his alley! 

Since Owen opened the read present I thought it would be fun to just have all the kids open their read presents. 

Ella got an Elena of Avalor book which she was super excited about! 

She also got 2 Berenstain Bear books. 

Zeke is the slowest opener....ever! 

He has to peel off every last piece of paper before he's ready to open the box or acknowledge what the gift is. 

Daddy had to step in and help a bit with the tape.

The anticipation is killing me! 

Zeke got 1 Berenstain Bear book and 2 more Duck books. He has...Duck in a Truck, Super Duck, Duck to the Rescue and now he has Captain Duck and Fix-it Duck as well! 

Jack got 2 Berenstain Bear books. 

He also got the Old & New Testament Brick Bible. Someone literally used Lego's and made scene after scene and took pictures comic book style of the whole Bible! It's so awesome! 

Once we got to Jack we just thought we'd let him pick the next present and then go back towards Owen. Jack chose to open his 'something to wear' gift. 

I got a really good deal on shoes for each of the kids. Jack got red and black Fila tie shoes! 

Zeke got red Under Armor red shoes that almost look like they could be Spiderman shoes. If you follow me on FB you might remember that Zeke was with me when I bought these for all the kids. I told Zeke that he wasn't going to get them until Christmas and his response was...."I'll probably forget about them!" And sure enough he did so he was surprised by this new shoes! 

Ella also got Under Armor shoes....the blue was perfect for even matched the blue on her jammies. 

I got Owen some really nice Nike's. All four pairs of name brand shoes came to $109! 

Since we were back at Owen I let him pick the next gift to open. He decided to open his sibling gift. 

Ella had drawn his name and she got him the top thing on his list. 

His military base with a ballistic missile! 

Jack had drawn Ella's name and he chose to get something that wasn't on her list and he got her a walking and meowing girl kitten. 

The kitty only cost $15 and I told the kids they could spend $20 on each other. Jack decided to get Ella the $5 diary she did have on her list. As you can tell she was super excited! 

Checking out Ella's cute kitten. I love how the boys are interested in her gift and not rushing her. 

Owen drew Zeke's name and he got him the Lego Creator set that he wanted. 

It can be built into a rocket, a jet or a plane. 

He also was able to get him the 5 pack of Hot Wheels cars that he wanted. 

Sweet brothers!!! 

Zeke drew Jack's name. 

We thought it would be funny to trick Jack into thinking he got Frosted didn't work though! :) 

I actually helped Zeke out a little money wise. Well I always help them out with half of the money, but I didn't want the kids spending over $10 on their sibling so that's why I set the limit at $20. 

Jack really wanted a Yo-kai Watch and that alone cost $20. I wasn't sure what he all needed for this watch game so I bought him a set of 10 cards that only cost $3 to go towards it. I actually ended up at Wal-Mart after Christmas and they had the whole trading card game on clearance for $9 when it was normally $14 and I bought it for Jack and he paid me $5 for it. Later I was reading the instructions and it said you needed two sets of cards so back to the store we went to buy another set. When we got home I play the game with him and further down on the instructions it actually gives you the rules so you can play with just one deck. Oh he has plenty of cards and he was a super happy boy! 

Charlie was not sure what to think of all this crazy stuff going on! While I was taking a picture of Charlie Jack decided to open his 'something you need gift'....he got socks! Normal white socks and then some cool Star Wars ones as well! 

Zeke got undies....Paw Patrol undies and Dinosaurs boxer briefs. 

Oh....a box! 

Ella got 3 pairs of leggings and a shirt. 

This year Owen even told me, "Mom I NEED long sleeve shirts!" I love that he's understanding that things we need can be gifts as well. I bought him 4 new long sleeve shirts. 3 of which have hoods so he's in heaven! 

Next Owen opted to open his 'something he wants' present. His actually present was and still is on my Amazon account just waiting to be downloaded onto Michael's computer, but Michael's new computer had to be sent back to the company so they could fix it. Praise the Lord is should be here soon! On Christmas morning he just opened a box with a certificate for....

Minecraft! I'd say he was excited! 

Charlie enjoyed eating tissue paper! 

Ella checking out her want. She is the same in regards to opening presents as Zeke is. She does open them quicker, but she won't acknowledge what's in there until it's completely open. 

A set of 100 Super Tip Markers!!! 

A mermaid coloring book! 

And a mermaid tail blanket! 

She wiggled right down inside it! 

Then she flipped her fin around. I'm so happy she liked it! It wasn't something she actually requested, but she is so hard when it comes to gifts. She honestly is the happiest girl when she has a pillow, a blanket, a coloring book and markers. 

Zeke with his huge want present! 

Ripping into it. 

You can tell he knows what it is, but he's holding it in! 

The car got his attention! 

Hot Wheels Criss Cross Crash!!! He had seen this set in the store for over a month and he wanted it so badly. I was actually going to get him a different set that was less expensive, but then on Black Friday they had it on really good sale at Fred Meyers and there was a coupon that made it $13 less than the sale price so it ended up being only a few dollars more than the other much smaller set. 

Jack can be hard and easy at the same time when it comes to wants. He wants everything, but trying to find him something that he'll truly love can be tricky. I ended up going with a Superhero theme. I got him the Spiderman web shooters that can shoot silly string or water. 

I also got him another Captain America shield....this one shoots darts! 

That was it for the kids! Normally this is when Michael and I would open our gifts from the kids, but Ga-Ga & Pa forgot to bring them down the day before. No big deal though....we'd be at their house later in the day so we'd open them at that time. 

Snuggling her girl kitten! 


Checking out his Yo-Kai trading cards! 

She was ready to color right away! 

The thing that I love about these markers is the box. It's perfect for keeping your markers together. 

Zeke wanted me to build his track right then, but told him we'd take some of their new toys to Ga-Ga & Pa and set them up there. 

Owen could not be talked out of waiting to play with this military set!

Stockings at our house are always an after-thought. In fact there have been years where we've forgotten to open them for hours. This year we remembered just a little while after opening presents. 

We are members of the Disney Movie Club so I got some good deals on these movies. Owen got the Avengers Age of Ultron, Ant Man and Iron Man 3. 

Jack got...Captain America The First Avenger, Captain America Winter Solder and Captain America Civil War. 

Ella got a card game called Sleeping's super fun and what's even cooler is it was created by a 6 year old girl and her family. 

Zeke got a dinosaur activity book which is perfect for him in fact he's playing with it while I'm typing this post! 

Yum yum!!!  

After all the presents Michael made a nice breakfast, we all got ready and then headed down to my parents house. 

First order of business was to have Michael and I open our gifts from the kids. 

My first gift was candy! I got a king size Reece's Peanut Butter Cup and a giant Kit Kat bar. 

I also got 3 new hair brushes and a long sleeve Seahawks shirt!!! 

Michael got candy as well...Turtles...his favorite! 

He also got some Seahawks stuff....a wallet and a new travel coffee cup! 

I love that our kids enjoying buying gifts for us. It's so fun to see the pride they have when you are opening and enjoying a present they bought! 

Onto the rest of the gifts! 

Merry Christmas!!! 

The kids were ready! 

We started with the youngest! 

Zeke's big present from Ga-Ga & Pa was his super cool Thomas Train Track where Thomas jumps 2 ft! 

Ella got a Mermaid Jewelry kit from Uncle Ry and Aunt Stephie! 

Jackson got his Imaginext Batman with Batmobile and Robin with his motorcycle from Uncle Ry & Aunt Stephie. 

Owen got his new dart Sniper rifle from Ga-Ga & Pa. 

Back to Zeke....a semi-truck with cars and dinosaurs in it from Ga-Ga & Pa. 

Ella got a Barbie Mega Bloks vacation house from Ga-Ga & Pa. 

I believe this is Jack getting his Imaginext Lex Luther character and vehicle from Ga-Ga & Pa. 

Owen's big gift from Ga-Ga & Pa was his Lego set! 

He was so excited....he had wanted this Volcano set for months!!! 

Zeke's next gift was a Switch & Go Dino Helicopter from Ga-Ga & Pa. 

Ella got her Beauty and the Beast Lego set from Ga-Ga & Pa. 

Jack also got an Imaginext Flash character from Ga-Ga & Pa.

Owen had an extra gift of darts that should have been opened up when he opened his gun. 

Owen's last gift he was stoked about! 

Minecraft for the Xbox 360 from Uncle Ry & Aunt Stephie! I love that he has this for both the PC and the Xbox. We've actually all enjoyed watching him play it. 

Zeke's last gift was his Blaze racing track...this kid likes cars, trains and dinosaurs if you haven't noticed! 

Ella's last gift was her Pop-Up Princess game from Ga-Ga & Pa. 

Jack's last gift was his big gift from Ga-Ga & Pa. 

He pretty much knew what he was getting since he had gotten all that other Imaginext stuff. 

It was the new Batcave that also came with the Daily was a Batman vs. Superman Imaginext set. The front of the set there was no box so Pa had to use another box to make it so Ga-Ga could wrap it. He used a toilet seat box and they tried to tease Jack into thinking he got a toilet seat for Christmas. He wasn't buying it though! 

Once the kids are finished Michael and I help them each get something open so they could play with it while us adults open our gifts. 

Since I'm the youngest I got to go first. I got the Food processors I wanted from Mom and Dad. 

The other main thing on my list was the new Nintendo Mini, but Mom could not find it so she gave me money to go towards it. What there isn't a picture of is my gift from Ry & Steph....they got me a cookbook to use with my food processor. It was such a thoughtful gift! I wasn't something that I had put on my list, but it is definitely something I will use. I love it! 

Michael was up next and I think I was either too busy watching him open his gifts or looking at my new cookbook so I didn't get any pictures. He got the Kuerig that he had on his list from my parents and then Ry and Steph got him the drawer that goes under the Kuerig that holds the pods. He's been loving making coffee with it and the kids and I have enjoyed using it to make hot chocolate. After Christmas my Mom ordered him the reusable pod that you can put your own coffee in so you don't have to always buy the pods...she thought it came with the coffee pot, but it didn't. That will really help since those pods can be pricey! 

Ryan got a new fleece pullover and an Amazon gift card from Mom and Dad. We got him the 3rd Compendium for the Walking Dead....later we found out he already had it so I returned it and I'm going to give him a gift card to Amazon. I also gave him the annual calendar that we get everyone every year. 

For Steph I made her a cover for her Kitchen Aid mixer and then I got her a Live Laugh Love badge holder. 

Mom and Dad got her a Seahawks sweatshirt and a Starbucks gift card. 

Mom got a cute snowman ornament from us and this really cool monogrammed 31 bag from Ry and Steph. 

For Dad I got him a gift card to Wal-Mart with a cool old truck on it and the annual calendar. Ry and Steph got him a monogrammed bag as well! 

After presents were opened Michael and I spent most of our time putting things together for kiddos while Ga-Ga & Aunt Stephie finished up dinner. 

For dinner we had yummy ham, potatoes, rolls, cranberry sauce, olives and plenty of options for dessert! 

After dinner Dad and Ryan watched the original Magnificent 7 while some of the kids played with toys and some of us played games. Then around 5:30pm Michael got a call and had to go to work. Me and the kids spent the night at Ga-Ga & Pa's, but he didn't roll into bed at our house until after 3am!!!

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