Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Owen's Actual Birthday!

We waited to give Owen his birthday presents until his actual birthday. 

We don't normally get the kids two presents from us, but the first present I got on Black Friday for free! 

Owen loves chess! He saw this set at the school's math night as one of the prizes and he wanted it so bad. On Black Friday I bought a game at Fred Meyer's and got one for free...this was the free one! 

His next gift was a major score due to Ga-Ga's eagle eyes on Offer Up! 

Owen got the Volcano Lego Set for Christmas, but the part he didn't get was the Helicopter. It was normally almost $60, but Ga-Ga found it on Offer Up for only $30. I contacted the lady I think it had only been posted for a couple hours. She lived up north, but had to come to Renton to go to Sam's Club so she agreed to meet me there. I told her that she was making a 10 year old boy so happy! 

Getting right down to business!!! 

The board is good for both chess and checkers! 

I made a homemade chocolate cake and frosting! 

Make a wish my big boy! 

It was a nice quiet celebration at home with just the 6 of us! Love this guy!

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