Friday, March 31, 2017

Pan-Seared Chicken With Herbs De Provence!

I made the second dinner from Hello Fresh on Wednesday night. I decided to make this particular one because it had the grape tomatoes in it and I wanted them to be super fresh. 

Everything all laid out and ready to go. There were a couple things I had never worked with before....farro and a scallion. I've made plenty of recipes that call for a scallion, but I've always just used an onion instead. It really isn't that much different it's just more mild. 

I thought I'd actually take a picture of the recipe card this time. 

As I waited for the water to boil to put the Farro in a diced up the scallion and then cut the grape tomatoes in half. 

The chicken needed to be butterflied and then seasoned with Herbs De Provence. The butterflying part isn't hard it's just that I don't really have very nice knives so it wasn't super pretty. New knives are on my list. In fact I just bought 2 Chef's knives and 4 new Paring knives today. Maybe a new filet knife will be the next one on my list. 

After the water came to a boil I added the Farro and the diced up scallion. 

I also made up a dressing with a little bit of balsamic vinegar, honey and olive oil.

I pan-seared the chicken in a little oil. I think I mentioned this before, but my main reason for wanting to try this meal was because of the Herbs De Provence. I've always wanted to try it. It has lavender in it so it smells great! 

After the Farro was finished cooking I added in half of the dressing, the tomatoes and the fresh mozzarella I had cut up into cubes earlier. To plate it I put half the Farro mixture on the plate and then sliced up the chicken and placed it on top and drizzled it with the rest of the dressing. 

Oh my goodness! This was so yummy! The Farro was great!!! I loved the nutty flavor it had and the Herbs De Provence was flavorful without being too much! It was also really filling...I even had some leftover! 

The best thing about this meal was I made it on the day that I spent 7 hours shopping/putting away all the groceries for April. Normally on shopping day I'm so spent that I end up not cooking anything special. It was so nice to have this on hand and ready to go. I did have to cook the kids dinner, but that involved putting Bagel Bites on a cookie sheet....don't judge! I told Michael that I think it really would be worth it to order once a month and have them always deliver during that last week of the month. By then I'm usually out of something that I needed for a recipe because it was used to make a different recipe during the month. I'm also just tired! This is also such a great way to get introduced to new recipes and not have to stress about buying a ton of ingredients and then end up not liking it. Now that I know we like the flavor of Herbs De Provence I'll go out and buy some to have on hand! I'm also going to buy some Farro as well. It's so nice to have other ideas for side dishes!!! 

Two meals to go! 

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