Monday, June 5, 2017

Jackson Is 9 Years Old!!!

My sweet Jackson is 9 years old!!! 

A few things about Jackson right now....

He loves baseball....he's already gone to one Rainier's game and he'll be going to his second one this Wednesday for a school field trip. Ga-Ga promised him last year that she would take him to a Mariner's game and he is SO excited about it! 

Jack still loves action figures! He has an amazing imagination that can keep him busy for hours. I really envy that...I was never able to entertain myself that way and I think that's an awesome trait to have. 

Jackson still has such a tender heart, but he also doesn't always think before he speaks or does something and can end up hurting peoples feelings. 

If I had to guess right now I would say that Jack's love languages are gifts and quality time.  

Jack is a great helper and usually doesn't complain when I ask him to do something. 

Here he is at the Rainier's game. He was freezing, but he never really complained. He was actually super quiet during the game so I'm not sure if he was just too cold to talk or if he was just trying to take in all the sights.

Jack is super animated! I love how he uses his full body to show his emotions. 

Jackson has had to work really hard to make those hand muscles do what he wants them to do. I am so inspired by him and his tenacity to keep trying and never give up. Every now and then he'll get down on himself and he'll speak negatively, but I'll just encourage him and usually he'll end up accomplishing what he was trying to do. 

Jack loves music! I was so excited when he got to go see The Newsboys with Daddy. It was a great father/son outing! 

Jack is getting braces this Thursday! Prior to his actual orthodontist appointment he was really excited about getting them, but now that he is actually getting them he's not to thrilled. I know that he's just unsure of the unknown and how it's going to feel and he's afraid it's going to hurt, but this is going to be such an wonderful thing in the long run and he'll be super happy that he got this out of the way at a young age. Maybe he won't even end up having to have stage 2 braces. 


Jackson does not like to be outdone by Owen. Everything is a competition between these two. Even running to the bus stop is a race. It drives Jack crazy that Owen can beat him even if Jack gets a head start! Brothers!!! 

Jackson is still by far the messiest eater of the family....or messy anything for that matter. He does care about getting messy and most of the time he doesn't even realize that he's getting messy. He is just a mess! 

3rd grade has been so awesome for Jackson. Ms. Asselin has been the perfect teacher for him. So patient and kind. He has really come out of his shell in the last 4 years. I remember when he started Kindergarten...I was so concerned because he was so shy and leery of anything and anyone. Now Jackson has so many friends and he's really stepped out of his comfort zone to be a leader in certain areas at school. 

Along with having a great imagination Jackson loves to draw and tell stories. I was so proud of all the work he did for his animal adaptations! 

Jackson loves to participate in just about every activity that is offered. None of the other kids wanted to do the egg drop challenge, but Jack was all for it. In fact they gave the kids a lot of time to work on it....the whole week of spring break, but Jackson was so excited about it he finished it on Friday right after he got out of school. He is not a procrastinator! 

This boy loves sweets! 

We do not let our kids have free reign of the kitchen. They have to ask us if they can have a snack. Jackson has been our only child that has ever tried to sneak food. Of course he apologized right away. 

Jackson loves having friends! He truly values his friendships and he's always wanting to draw pictures for his friends or trade Pokemon cards with them. I love seeing this side of him as I'm very much the type of person that needs friends in my life as well. I totally understand him on this level and how he longs to foster those relationships! 

Jack can be such a goofball, but he does get embarrassed very easily! 

He is like his Daddy when it comes to pictures...he doesn't close his eyes, but I usually have to take 3 or 4 because he's never actually looking at the camera! 

Sweet boy knows what he wants. He very particular about his clothes and what he wears. He usually cycles between the same 7 or 8 shirts and he always wants to wear the same snow hat. In fact he wore this hat so much it started to unravel and we had to throw it away! 

Jackson is a great kitchen helper and I love it when I get to spend that quality time with him! 


Jackson is super observant! When it came to buying a Christmas present for Ella he didn't choose anything from the list that Ella had made, but he just knew that she would love this kitty and he was right. He just pays attention to the details! 

What did I tell you....messy!!! 

Jackson is one handsome dude!!! I will say this last year there has been a shift in regards to how lovey he is with me. He's become much more embarrassed by me snuggling and kissing on him. I know this is natural and I know he's going to be changing a lot in the next few years so I don't push him. I do have fun with him some nights...he likes to put his hand behind his head so his armpit is showing. Every now and then I'll say, "Is that an armpit hair?" He immediately pulls his arm down and say, "No!" I have jokingly told him that when he does get his first armpit hair we are going to have a happy armpit hair party. He was so funny because he just went along with it and said that for the party favors we would hand out deodorant to everyone! He's hilarious and knowing him he's totally going to hold me to that!!! 


Jackson loves games and likes to try different strategies. I can't remember if he's ever won Catan, but no matter what he really enjoys playing! 

My Jackson is such a good eater. He will try most everything even without a fuss. He will even eat his veggies!! 

Jackson was so cute when we went to pick up Charlie. He was the first one to shout out that he wanted a kitten instead of going to Mount St. Helens! 

Jackson enjoys craft projects especially ones that you can actually use. 

Jackson loves to be involved at school. This year alone he has been apart of...Ultimate Frisbee, Art Club, Lego Club and Track. He is also attending the Summer Learning Program!!

Jackson Daniel I can hardly believe that you are 9 years old buddy! Time has just flown by. You are such a sweet boy. I love that you still sleep with fact I just had to sew him again since he was splitting open. You have other animals you like to sleep with as well, but No-No will always be your favorite. 

Jackson you have such a sweet tender heart and you truly love to make those around you happy. You do still have trouble with using a kind tone in your voice when speaking to others. It's not that what you're saying is bad it's just that the tone makes it sound bad. We all need to work on that though! 

You have worked so hard to make your muscles do what you want them to do. Your daily task right now is sweeping and vacuuming. I know you really dislike it, but it makes you work those muscles and that's why I chose that job for you. You might never like to sweep, but one of these days I know that the skills you will have learned from it will come in handy. 

Jackson your Daddy and I love you so much buddy. We know that your are truly the middle child of the family and since it's your natural inclination to fall into the background you sometimes can get missed. We try really hard to make sure that you get special attention and special time with us. We love you just as much as the other kids and pray that you will always know how much you mean to our family. You were the only baby that shocked both Daddy and I. We had no idea if God was going to bless us with another baby let along so quickly after having Owen. We were not trying to have another child, but God knew that we needed you. He knew that the world needed you! 

You are such a good friend and I know that your friends mean the world to you. I pray that you will be a leader among your friends. That you won't let their views and ideas compromise who you are in Christ. God has big plans for you and I know that He's going to use you and your voice to praise His name. You have had such an amazing year and I'm so excited to see what this next year will bring. You are such a smart and determined guy and Daddy and I are so proud of you. I pray that you will never forget that no matter what you are loved by us, but most of all by your Heavenly Father. 

Happy 9th Birthday Jackson Daniel! 

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