Thursday, July 13, 2017

1957 Chevy!

Back in 2008 my dad built over one of the raised garden beds in their backyard and made a truck sandbox for the boys. It has been SO cool and all the kids have loved it.

The engine part even opened up exposing a V8 engine! 

This is right after Dad finished it. Owen was such a little baby here. The sand looks so dry and nice! 

Last couple of summers the truck sandbox had really started to show it's age. The pile wood roof of the truck had started splitting, the lower boards were rotting out and the sand had pretty much ruined the wood from the inside because it was always wet. 

Now that Pa is retired he had some time to actually work on fixing it. I had no idea what he was going to build, but I knew he was so excited to show the kids.

He even put Ga-Ga to work!!!

Here's the 1957 Chevy...unpainted of course!

The front hood and the trunk are actually storage containers. Dad took one of the lids in to the hardware store so they could match the paint to it. 

All 4 lights in the front actually turn on. They are those push lights. 

Ga-Ga slaving away in the sun....anything for her sugar bears!

Pa putting the black paint on the bottom portion of the car. 

Pa was able to keep the original wheels that he used for the truck sandbox. 

A few years after building the truck sandbox they bought a playhouse to go on top of the other raised garden can see it in the background. Since the sandbox got a makeover they figured the house needed one too. Mom is painting the shutters to the house the same color as the car. 

Here it is all finished! It truly is amazing!!! The chrome pieces look so nice and add that little extra touch of authenticity! 

The door handles are what you use to lift the roof off to expose the sandbox portion. 

Pa lined the roof of the car with a tarp and then painted it to match. Hopefully that will help it weather better. 

The Chevy emblem is actually from my Grandpa's 1960 Chevy pickup!!! 

Once you take the roof off it's now a convertible! 

In order to stop the sand from rotting out the inside Pa got these 4 plastic containers. Each of the kids has their own sand area to play in. It's perfect!!!! 

The first time we got to see the new sandbox was on July 1st. We were bringing the kids down to spend 3 nights at Ga-Ga & Pa's.

We don't have a sandbox at our house anymore....we have cat and it turned into a giant litter box because kids wouldn't shut the lid! This will be so nice for the kids to have something at Ga-Ga & Pa's that they don't have at home. 

Owen was super proud of his castle with a moat that he built. I'm sure there will be hours and hours of entertainment to be had. Pa sure outdid himself this time!!!

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